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I got myself ready after managing the morning for my lovely sister and her so-called twin.  The usual morning.  I ran up to my room, singing happily, stared at myself all the time in the mirror, pulled up my hair into a ponytail, and wearing the black crop-top with skirt and ankle boots.  Ready for the show!

I drove the car down the street, straight to Starbucks, then left for the school.  Well, since you didn't know that much about me, I was going to that school too.  That's why Diana was there.  For your information, yes, Diana isn't my blood sister.  My parents found her at the local park while she was 2 years old.  Being the only child that I was, I demanded my parents to give me a little sister. Just a sister, so that I can play my Barbie with her.  Then in a sunny bright day, my parents brought her home.  And I fell in love with my little sister ever since.  My parents didn't differ us in anything.  We went to the same school, shared the same hobbies, played the same teddy bears, and exchanged some dresses.  Until now.  The thing is, now I got my new life as a solo artist.  A singer.  The job I've always wanted to be.  I wasn't saying that Diana has a terrible voice.  Well, look at her now.  She owns her life too.  It's just probably because of the age, I earned much more.  Slightly a bit more.  So yeah, that's all about me and my life.

"Ari!"  I heard Tanya was calling my name while I parked the car nearby the gate.  I knew this school so much.

"Hey!  Hang on, I park first!  Don't leave me!"  I begged playfully.

"Not a single chance, princess!"  She laughed.

"Ouch, feeling odd to be called princess."  I rolled my eyes.

"Okay then, queen."  Tanya laughed again.  "Come on, Dee's been waiting for you!"

I grabbed her hand because I need a support for this complicated ankle boots.  Tanya got it right away.  We walked together to the green room that they have been prepared earlier this morning.  I also looked around the entire corridor.  These two lovely ladies did a tremendous job.

"Where's my lovely?"  I shouted.  The crew laughed at me.

"In here, sweety!"  I heard Diana's voice.

"Oh, there you are."  I came up and we hugged.

"How's outside?"   She asked me.

"Pretty cool.  Oh I brought this to you."  I handed the Starbucks to the girls.

"Thanks Ariana, you're the best!"  Tanya cheered and sipped her coffee.

"Thanks sissy."  Diana kissed my cheek.  "Well, since everybody's here, let's introduce each other.  Ari, meet the Before You Exit guys.  Connor, Toby, Riley, Thomas, Ryan, and this is their manager - slash - stage monitor, James.  Guys, meet Ariana."

"Hi!"  I waved warmly to them.  

"Uhm.  Okay.  You'll be on stage in 20 minutes.  Enjoy the lounge!"  Diana spoke again then signed me that she needs to leave us first.

I sit on the couch by James' side, we spoke about everything.  These guys joined us too sometimes.  I soon knew this guy named Riley.  He's the vocal leader of the band.  And also Toby.  And...Connor.  Yeah, Connor.  Uhm.

"Interesting, seeing you form as the band with the fact that you're brothers."  I laughed to kill the intense.

"Yeah, we were born this way, so why not."  Riley answered me.

"Cool, that's cool.  I wish I could do the same thing with my sister."  I chuckled.

"Uh-ha."  Connor smiled and stared at me a bit longer than everybody else.  Which makes me nervous.  Is there something wrong on me?

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