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"I'm homeeeee!" 

I heard her voice from downstairs followed by the bell ring.  Oh gosh.  Time check, 5.14 am.  Why so early...

"Welcome home!"  I opened the door.

"Hello my love!"  Ariana jumped into my hug right away.

"Ouch!  Oh!  Hey!  Hello too, my baby."  I hugged her back.

"Too early?"  She smirked.

"Too early."  I rubbed my back.  "Can we sleep again?"

"No!  I have presents for you!"  She dragged me upstairs.  I wasn't even alive okay.

"This..."  She took out a box with cute ribbon on top of it and gave it to me.

"What is this..."  I opened it slowly.  "Wow!"

"You like it?"  She smiled widely.

"Sooo much..." 

I stood in the mirror and put the dress in front of me.  This cutie little ocean blue lace dress with long sleeves and perfectly fell above the knees was just amazing.  I kept staring at myself.

"This is beautiful..."  I murmured.  "Thank you seriously much."

"You're welcome sweety.  Beautiful dress for my beautiful sister."  She stood up with me in the mirror.  "How is it going with Riley?"

"What???"  I chocked.  "What the heck is happening with Riley?"

"Hahaha...  Don't be so shocked.  You know what I mean."  Ariana smirked.

"Sissy, I'm not with Riley.  And never will be.  Alright?"  I shook my head laughing.  Laughing awkwardly.

"I don't buy it.  I'll ask Connor about this later." She still smirked.

"Ah whatever."  I rolled my eyes.  "But this is beautiful, thank you."

'Yeah anytime, honey.  I thought this dress would be perfect on your first date."  She stared at the dress.

"My first date?  Nobody said about the first date."  I squinted my eyes.

"No, nobody did.  I was just wondering about your first date."

"That's a great idea.  But not in some short time."  I chuckled.  "Hey, what's it with you and my date and trying to get me a boyfriend?  Why so worry about it?"

'Nothing!  I just want to make you happy too.  To see you having one important person in your life, like me and Connor."  She smiled to me.

"Like you and Connor..."  I accidentally murmured.

"Hmm?"  She lifted up her head.

"No, I wish I had somebody, like you and Connor, but let's not force anything."  I hugged her.  "Anyway, thanks for your amazing concern."

"Don't be too stiff, sister.  Haha.  Alright.  I'm gonna change and get some sleep.  You go back to sleep okay?  Until breakfast!"  She closed my door.

"Thank you for this again!"  I held the dress as she walked out.

I don't know what to say anymore.  Yesterday at the park was a complete coincidence, about Riley and Tanya.  But I loved it.  Riley deserved more than just a girl with Celiac like me.  I'd maybe dead in few months.  So Ariana should have not bothered to find me anybody.

Thanks to Ariana, she ruined my peaceful sleep this morning.  I can't go to sleep anymore.  So I opened my journal, took a piece of paper, and wrote something.  I put the letter in the envelope.  And out of nothing, I had a better idea.  Sit on my table and opened the laptop, I started to type.

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