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I prepared one last bag this morning.  Today.  I'll fly from The States to Australia.  From Orlando to Melbourne.  From sacrifice to sacrifice.

Dear Connor,
I'm just gonna say that I'm a big fan of you and Ariana.  Please stay together.  I'd kill myself if you ever broke up with her.  Because I'm an Arianator too.  Her number one fan :)
Somebody once said to me, "Don't mind the people who keeps leaving you, but focus on what you have instead."

"This."  I gave the letter to Tanya, along with a stack of envelope.

"Wow.  This is a lot."  She was shocked.

"Been writing for a while.  I finished what I can do now, and I'll send you the daily letter from email.  It has the date on the envelope so you know which one's for what day."  I nodded.

"Okay."  She sighed.  "Should you go?"

"I should, unfortunately. In order to live longer."  I swept her tears.  "You said so yourself, that I should live on.  I'm living on.  But it has to be this way."

"I don't like this idea at all..."  She kneeled and put those envelopes in her bag.

"You're the only one I can count on.  I need you to put them everyday.  You'll help me a lot."  I held her hands.  "We gotta be strong."

"Promise me you'll come home someday..."  Tanya shook her head, not be able to contain the tears anymore.  She cried louder in a second.

"Ssh...  If I things run well, I'll try to visit."  I held my breath.  "Come on, they're waiting for us."

I dragged Tanya downstairs with the last bag in my hands.  I took one minute to memorize every single detail in this house that I would miss.  Mom Dad and Ariana didn't really take note on what I was doing.  Because they think I'll come home in my first year of college.  One thing they didn't know, maybe the first thing I'll do in Melbourne is signing the death certificate.

"Have you brought everything, sweety?"  Ariana spoke from the passenger seat.

"All has set."  I nodded.  

"Babe, you're too quite today.  Tired?"  She ran her fingers through Connor's hair.

"Just focus on driving."  He cleared his throat.  

Actually here's what happened.  We're in the car going to the airport.  Connor's driving, Ariana's by his side, I was at the back seat behind Connor, with Tanya beside me.  Then in the back we got Riley and Toby.  The parents didn't even want to drive me to the airport.  They're just too...easy.  Yeah, that's enough.  I might not coming back though.

"I'm gonna park first.  I can drop you off first."  Connor finally said something after 2 hours.

"Okay baby."  Ariana took her all-pink bag and got ready to climb out.

Connor stopped the car at the lobby and waited until we're all out.  He said he'll be back in a minute.

"So...what time's now?"  Riley asked.

"Hmm, 1.27 pm."  Toby checked his watch.

"I gotta go inside.  Look at the line.  So crazy."  I sighed.

"So this is it."  Toby came and hugged me.  "Shame, we haven't had a chance to hang out any longer.  I'm gonna miss you to be honest.  You're like the cool sister."

"Hahaha.  Shut up, young man."  I slapped him playfully just because I didn't want to cry, so I made a joke.

"Give me news, okay?"  He released me.

DEAR CONNORWhere stories live. Discover now