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Day 2 in Vegas.  I don't know if I enjoy this or not, but it's always a good time in Vegas.  I have my girlfriend with me and we had a lot of fun so far.  Her recording session was amazing.  We did 2 days full in the studio, and tomorrow would be a music video shooting time.

Overall, Ariana's awesome.  Her team is awesome too.  Spending time as her protector during work time, made me want to come back on tour again.  We like have the same exact life.  That's why I think our relationship works so far.

"Babe, just take the seat, I'm gonna queue."  She gave me her bag and soon queue up on the line.  Morning coffee in local Starbucks.

I took a seat at the corner of the store, but somebody called me.  Riley.

"Bro, how you doing?"  Riley greeted.

"Hey dude, I'm good.  How you guys doing?"  I repositioned myself.

"We're pretty good too.  Hey you're coming back in 2 days right?  Anthony called me for some press days 3 days from now."  

"Oh yeah yeah I've told Ariana about it.  We'll see about that.  If she's done with the thing, she'll come with me.  Otherwise, I'm gonna go home by myself."  I answered fastly.

"Okay good.  Just want to remind you about it.  And about this, Con..."  Riley suddenly stopped talking.

"What's that?"

"Another anonymous letter is being found again in the mailbox last night.  Toby took it."  He cleared his throat.

"I don't understand.  Is it the same like the previous one?"  I started wondering.

"Same exact thing.  And we don't want to open it because it's only written for you."  Riley spoke in a serious tone.

"I...don't understand either..."  I thought about some things.

"Look.  Fans will never send us anonymous stuff.  They will like to discover themselves so that we can notice them, you know.  This is weird."  Riley gave me the logic.

"Agree.  But I have no idea about this...  Hey, could you please open it up and read the letter to me?"  I asked him.

"I got it!"  Toby yelled from behind.  I heard his footsteps going upstairs, I guess to my room, and back again.  "Here."

"Here we go..."  Riley took a breath.  "Dear Connor, how you doing?  Uhm...sorry for not writing too much this time.  I got lot things to do and some problems to solve, but everything's good now.  And I hope you're fine too.  Connor, I wish I could hug you right now.  My world is falling apart and I'm so torn.  I love someone I can't have.  Love, Azalea."

"My goodness..."  I sighed.  "She, whoever she is, I think getting a big trouble in her life."

"Don't you think this is just one quirky fan that wants to steal our attention?"  Toby spoke again.  They put me on the speaker.

"I don't think so, Tobes.  She sounds real and genuine in every word."  Riley sighed too.

"That's what I'm feeling too.  I'm preoccupied, you know that?"  I whispered a bit to refuse people hearing my conversation.

"Is Ariana there?"  Toby asked.

"Yeah but she's queuing.  We're Starbucks-ing."  I cleared my throat.

"Alright, fine Connor.  We'll call you back if anything happens.  Stay safe.  Say hello to Ari."  Riley ended the conversation.

"Bye guys."  I hung up the phone.

I took a minute to think about that letter.  Please, that sounds really real for me.  I can't stop thinking of possibilities.  I've tried to look at my followers on Twitter and Instagram, to check if any of them send me such words like that.  But I got zero.  Therefore, the pressure's on.  This Azalea girl believes in me to spill out her problems, but I didn't know her at all.  Is this my fault?

"Baby, who's calling?"  Ariana came back with two cups of coffee.

"Ri and Tobes, checking on us."  I smiled.  "They said hi to you too."

"Aw how cute!"  She excitedly answered.

"Don't you call home or something?"  I sipped my coffee.

"True, I just think about it.  Okay...  Dialing...Diana."  She opened her phone and dialed.

I kept staring at the distance while Ariana spoke to Diana.  I think I miss Orlando.  I miss to see her face too, surprisingly.  Make sense.  Diana was there on my mind all the time before I chose to date her sister.  She's so kind and all, so I miss her, and also my brothers.  Dang.  For the very first time, I didn't like to be in Vegas anymore.

"Yeah sweetheart, I'm going back hopefully with Connor."  Ariana still spoke to her sister.  "Alright, send my loves to our coolest parents on earth okay?  I'll call again soon.  Bye bye!  I love you!"

"Where's your parents?  Home?"  I grabbed Ariana's hand.

"Hmm yeah they made it home yesterday."  She nodded.

"Good, it's great to know that Diana has companies."  I smiled wisely.

"True.  I was kinda worry about her but now she's safe."

"Great sister."  I kissed her lips.

"Ah, you know, how could we manage it when it comes to tour period?  You're going to Europe, I'm going to Asia.  I'm going to Europe, you'll be flying to Australia.  Not good."  She shook her head inside my hug.

"Still figuring out the answer...  Loading...  Loading...  Time out."  I made a joke.  Awkward joke.

"Haha...  Funny."  She pecked my lips.  "I hope we can still stand for what we have now baby.  Not gonna be messed up by tour or anything."

"As long as we do it together, I think we're strong enough."  I kissed top of her head.

"I  love you..."

"I love you too."  I leaned a kiss on her pink lips and lasted longer there.

"Studio time!"  She shouted happily.

"Off to go!"  I grabbed her bag and wrapped her waist too, walked back to our car.

i opened the door for her and waited until she sit perfectly safe in the car before I joined her.  I threw my sight to the entire stores along the street as we drove off.  We arrived at the traffic light, so the driver stopped.  I looked at Ariana.  She's busy with her phone, calling the manager.  I didn't want to bother her, so I just kept studying this neighborhood around us.  I smiled looking at this florist.  It's full of flowers and some other beautiful stuff.  Then my eyes stuck on this one word that was written on a board, to named one of the flowers.  'AZALEA'.  Damn it, who is she?

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