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The sun shined brightly this morning.  I walked to the cornor of my window to welcome the sun into my room.  Hello, home.

My whole week in the hospital was horrible.  I just gotten some bruises but Doctor McCain didn't want to release me until I told him that this could be seriously funny.  Other people would make it in 2 days.  Instead, I needed a whole 24/7.  In the mean time, Tanya has been sticking around to feed me or just to talk.  She also brought the homeworks from her house, because she liked to sleep at the hospital with me.  The teachers gave me permission to do my tests and gave it to Tanya so they can still count me in. Yesterday afternoon, Doctor McCain finally told me that I can rest at home, with the condition that I should take my medicine. 

"Sweety, I made you some porridge.  Let's eat?"  Ariana came to my room and hugged me from behind.

"Sure."  I turned around smiling.  "Let's eat."

"You know?  Uhm...  Well I miss you so much sissy.  I don't know.  I lost you for a week."  Ariana suddenly sobbed really hard and put her head against my shoulder.

"A...Ari...what happened to you?"  I blinked a tear.

"I feel like you're walking away from me..."

"Of course not."  I stared at the distance between that corridor, trying to find the perfect reason because my sister just cried so loud.  "I'm not.  Look, I'm still here."

"You here, but you aren't here..."  She swept away her tears.

"It's because your schedule, baby.  I know, stressful schedule.  I'm sorry I can't be there for you like we always did.  But you got Connor now handling everything for you, right?"  I hugged her again.  You don't know much I wanted to explode just by saying his name.

"That's...different..."  She insisted.

"Hey.  Don't be this weak, Ari.  You're a strong independent girl.  And I love you for being you.  I'm not going anywhere."  I spoke to her eyes.  

"Okay."  Ariana took a deep breathe.  "Maybe I just miss you so much."

"I miss you too.  Like heck, how could I not."  I chuckled.

"Sassy little girl."  She laughed too.

"Alright.  Shall we eat?  I'm hungry."  I rolled my eyes to break the ice.

"Let's go!"  She happily took my hand and helped me to walk downstairs.  "Baby, have you turned off the coffee maker?"

Snap.  Who was Ariana talking to?  I thought it was only two of...  Connor.  He stood in the kitchen, faced his back to us, making something.  I smelled coffee.  Him and his addiction, I knew it really well. 

"Good morning."  Connor said hi to me.

"Morning."  I nodded politely.

"Connor was staying here again last night.  I didn't have time to tell you because I saw you just fell asleep as soon as we arrived from hospital.  Didn't bother to disturb you, Dee.  And anyway, I think having him in here would make us safe..."  

"It's okay Ari.  He's always being welcomed here."  I gave my weak smile and just ate a spoon of porridge to kill the awkward moment.  "Taste good!"

"Thanks!"  Ari kissed the top of my head then took a glass of water for me.

"Feeling any better, Dee?"  Connor spoke with his low tone.

"Much better, thanks."  I said in short, not even looking at him.  I preferred to stare at the sausage on the table.

"You sure?"  He insisted.

"Positive."  I cleared my throat.

"Tanya called earlier.  She said that she would like you to come to the exercise tomorrow."  Ariana spoke to me from the kitchen.

"Oh yeah, she texted me too.  I surely will."  I smiled.

"But I mean, don't you think it's too fast?  You need more rest, sweety."  Ariana spoke like a mother.

"Jeez Ari, I'm a big girl.  I can take care of myself."

"Except last week when you're bleeding too much."  Connor said calmly.

"What do you care anyway?"  I stopped eating my porridge, which made Ariana and Connor shocked too.  "Uh, I'm sorry Connor.  I just..."

"That's okay.  I understand."  He bowed his head.

"I'm truly sorry..."  I teared up.

"I'm sure Connor's okay sweety.  You're under recovery.  You can't always control your mood.  We understand.  I got you..."  Ariana hugged me really tightly.  My fault.  I yelled at the guy I love the most.

"Truly sorry..."  I swept my tears.

"It's okay.  Come on.  Let's eat again."  Ariana ended the heavy conversation.

We ate the brunch in slence for 15 minutes.  I helped Ariana to clean the table and put the plates in the washing dishes.  Connor also already has spoken a thing or two to me.  He knew that I was really sorry for my shout.  It's uncontrollable.  For whatever reason, it wasn't the right thiing to do, and I know that.

"I want to get some rest."  I broke the silence in the living room.  "Excuse me."

"Of course baby, take your time.  I'll wake you up later for dinner."  Ariana helped me to stand up.

"I think we can cancel our dinner first baby.  That's okay.  We can't leave Diana like this."  Connor added.

"What?  No!  You go having dinner please, don't mind me.  I'm totally okay."  I smiled widely.  Oh fake.

"You sure?  We don't want to leave you empty handed though.  I'll cook you something before we'll leave."  Ariana hugged me tightly.

"Thank you so much sissy, you help a lot."  I kissed his cheek.  "See you later Connor."

"Take care, little Dee."  He smiled nicely.

Hah.  Little Dee.  Felt odd to be called like that.  I wish I could be happy by him calling me that.  But no.  My sister is now his girlfriend.  No way I could break them apart.  Well, I have this idea on my head that I really wanted to make.  Probably @BYEDiana isn't working anymore right now.  Let's start with the real one then.  I hope God will forgive me.  I just want to say how much I love him.

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