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"We're home!" Ariana yelled from outside.

"Hey!" Tanya and I glanced at each other before greeted her in unison.

"Hey." And there was Connor's voice too.

"Did you guys have fun?" I hugged Ariana and asked for a fistbump from Connor. He was shocked at first.

"Yeah we did! Starbucks is always fun and there's a carnival at the mall. It was amazing!" Ariana excitedly told us.

"!" I choked but soon snapped myself back.

"Okay I'm gonna change first." Ariana turned around and spoke to Connor, then walked upstairs. "Tanya, can you help me with my dress?"

"Al...right! Hang on!" Tanya just ran upstairs, which means I was alone again with Connor.

"How you feeling?" Connor cleared his throat.

"Hmm? Oh I'm okay Connor, thanks." I smiled genuinely.

"What' with the mood?" He took a glass of water from the kitchen.

"Mood what? Me? I'm pretty cool." I nodded.

"I still think that you got something to tell me. But I don't know." He sighed, throwing himself on the couch in the living room.

"Other than please take care of my sister, I think nothing more." I glanced at him. "Fair enough?"

" think it is okay for me to date her?" He spoke slowly.

And by that line, my heart's just stopped beating. So dead. I wanted to scream it out loud but I can't. That's the point of being a fan, after all. I have to be okay to see my sister's dating this guy that I've been secretly falling in love with for 2 years long. I should be okay. I should have been okay.

"Yeah! Sure. I like seeing you with Ariana. You guys match each other." I chuckled happily.

"Nice to know then." He sighed. "The guy who someday will date is the luckiest man, I can tell."

"Excuse me?" I looked at him.

"Because you're special. You have a pure heart."

"And you're saying this for...?"

"For you to know." He nodded.

"Thank you..." I squinted my eyes not knowing what to answer him.

"Babe, how do I look?" Ariana showed up at the middle stairs.

"Beautiful." Connor nodded from my side. I just frozen in a way or another.

"Dee? Dee! Hey sweety, does this crop top looks okay for House of Blues?" Ariana insisted to know my idea.

"Uhm...perfect! You're always perfect sissy. Don't worry about it." I laughed.

"Well my little girl just got herself back!" Ariana came downstairs only to kiss me then ran again to her room.

The rest of the day, I was just hoping that I wouldn't make any worst statement about my feelings through my expression. With the whole power in me, I tried to not looked horrible. First thing, we figured out together that Connor just dated Ariana. Just happened recently. Second, I would die in a second to let you know how hurt this is for me, but I got no chance. I wish I could yell to Connor about how much I love him. And it's been a while, that's the worst part. I was hiding behind that fan account. Connor followed my fan account on Twitter. But I like to be the anonymous. You want a funny fact? Connor retweeted my tweet from my school's show earlier yesterday because he thought I was just another fan in the crowd. Funnier fact? I guess I am.

"I think I'm gonna change!" I cheered.

"Change?" Ariana looked at me. "You going somewhere?"

"Yeah, uh... Tanya and I decide to go shopping. Right, twin?" I side-hugged Tanya.

"Isn't it a good idea?" She cheered too.

"Ah twinnies. And I wasn't invited?" Ariana pouted.

"You'll have dinner with the rest of McDonough family, what should we do?" Tanya answered. She knew what she was doing.

"I thought you both could join us." Connor smiled at me.

"I...think we can't cancel it. We've been planning to go to some stores tonight. Say sorry to everybody from us, okay Con?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Okay..." He bowed his head.

"You want to drive?" Ariana gave me her key.

"Oh no, we'll take my car." I refused it.

"So...shall we leave now?" Ariana pulled Connor's hand and he just placed his hand on Ariana's waist.

"Take care!" I breathed out. I didn't know if I still breathe or not.

"See you later!" They both waved away, leaving me and Tanya.

"Dee..." Tanya hugged me so tightly as I cried on her shoulder. "I know how that feels..."

"Yeah. Feels awesome to see them being together." I swept away my tears. "Stupid me, why should I care though."

"Because you love him."

"The only exist feeling that I don't want to be existed."

I was changing into some comfy dress and soon we drove to the hospital. I need to check something. No, sorry, we didn't go shopping. Lies on lies on lies.

"I need to see Doctor McCain." I spoke to the nurse at the information table.

"Under whose name, sorry?" She spoke politely.

"Diana. Diana Hawkins."

"Hawkins?" Tanya glared me.

"It's my family name." I smiled.

"It's Grande, baby." She raised an eyebrow.

"I mean my family name."

"Oh..." She frowned looking at me. "I'm sorry."

"That's fine." I hugged her.

"Alright Miss Hawkins, you can take the elevator up to level 7, Doctor McCain is in the room on your left." The nurse spoke.

"Thank you so much."

We rushed to go up and met the doctor right away. The doctor is at my Dad's age, and has a really genuine smile. I love meeting him.

"So Diana, what can I do for you?" He spoke.

"I... Well Doctor, I think... I don't know. I saw on the internet that there's this disease named Celiac..." I bowed my head. I knew Tanya held her breathe too.

"Ce...liac? Why did you come across Celiac?" The doctor cleared his throat.

"Because I feel the symptoms of Celiac lately." I smiled.

"Little girl... I hope you're not." He shook his head. "Alright, but let's take some early tests to measure it."

"Sure. Anything needed, Doctor. Thank you."

I knew Celiac is a nightmare to people. But at the very small part of me, I wish I was getting Celiac.

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