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Aireen came last night with her case then she started working on my stuff.  I felt really bad to not be able to help her.  All Aireen did was walking here and there collecting my whole stuff around the room, also to make sure I was alright.  Last night the hospital gave Aireen a place to sleep too beside me, just because we got no time left to do things tomorrow.  We'll be flying back to Orlando at 6 am.

Which is now.  It's 6.15 Melbourne time, and we just took off from the International Airport, headed straight to The States.  I got whole stuff within me that was about to explode.  Meeting Tanya is the first excited thing.  Or maybe the only excited thing left.  Ariana...I miss her so much.  I wish after 6 months, she'll forgive me.  And there's Connor.  I wish I could ask for one more thing before I leave, that is to have Connor, but you know it won't happen.

"Dee, you're okay?  You've been so quite."  Aireen shook my hands.

"Okay..."  I signed.

"This, your lunch medicine."  She took some pills from my medicine box.

"Thank...you..."  I drank them all.  "Aireen..."


"What...if...Ariana...doesn't...forgive...me...?"  I bowed my head.

"She will.  She has to.  If she doesn't, then I'm sorry, shame on her.  You've fought for her for so long.  You even forgot your own fight.  She has no reason to be mad at you all the time."  She replied.

"Because...I'm...about...to..."  I smiled.

"No.  Don't say that thing to me.  No.  I don't wanna hear."  Aireen covered her ears which was funny.

"You're...adorable...  They...will...love...you..."  I chuckled.

"They who?"  Aireen stared at me.  "Oh shoot!  Oh wow Diana, not now, I'm like freaking out."  She now covered her cheeks.

"You're...like..."  I smirked.

"Like what?"

"Boiled prawns..."  I laughed.

"Oh thank you very much what kind of friend you are."  Aireen and her sassy stuff.  But I love her.

We spent whole flight by listening to BYE's music and sleep.  I felt bad again for Aireen because we spent a day before Christmas by sitting on this holy plane that I don't know when it will be landed.  It's like forever.  Or maybe we've arrived on next year's Christmas already.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be landing shortly.  Please fasten your seatbelt..." 

I heard the flight attendant's announcement so I shook Aireen to wake her up.  She helped me to fasten my seatbelt, then hers too, and we're ready to go down.

"Hi..."  A little girl said hello to me on the plane's corridor.  I was sitting on the aisle row so she must found me first.

"Hey..."  I smiled.

"What's that on your nose?"  She pointed to my oxygen tube on my nose.

"Sorry Miss, sorry my daughter's being unpolite."  Her father, I guess, grabbed this girl's hands back to their row.

"Hmm...it's...okay..."  I winked at her.

"Can I have that too?"  She still spoke to me.  "Why are you wearing that?"

"Dee, you don't have too..."  Aireen held my hands.

"No...no, seriously...it's...okay.  I...wear...this...because...it....helps...me...to...breathe...normally."  I slowly tried to explain her.

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