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"What a beautiful life!"  Ariana gave me a side hug as we walked up inside the house.

"Uh-ha, and I'm dead tired."  I rolled my eyes.

"Take a break, sissy.  You've done a lot in one day."

"Oh you know I wish I could.  Tomorrow is the D-day of one show that I can't run away."

"Then you wll kill it for me though!"  She cheered.  "Good night Diana."

"You'll kill it too.  Night, Ari.  Thanks for today."  I hugged her at the corridor before we split to our rooms.

I took a long deep wash before sleep.  Seriously need that.  Well, actually I have like a mountain high of homeworks to do.  So does Tanya.  But apparently we have no time to do it.  Thank God our teachers gave us a lot of excuses.  Look.  Tomorrow is gonna be a huge day, because there will be a private concert from this new band.  Me and Tanya are responsible to make sure that everything is set up.  I will go to school in early morning, meet Tanya there, with a little help from small team, we will decorate the hall in 2 hours.  Then the show will be started at 10.  Private concert means whole day of hard works.  Not to mention that I have a school full of beautiful chicks who'll try to get the band members' attention.  If we didn't work the hardest, there'd be a chaotic situation.  Yes, the school hires us to make sure that it wouldn't happen. 

I decided to open my laptop to accompany my bad sleep schedule.  Yeah, after this tiring day, I can't sleep either.  I opened one account that I only know that.  God with me, I swear I have never told this to anyone.  As far as I remember, not even to Tanya.  I tweeted some stuff as well as posted photo on Instagram.  Said goodnight to these incredible guys, and seriously went to sleep...

"Good morning!"  Ariana jumped on me and shouted right in my ears.

"Wonderful."  I rubbed my eyes.  "Morning."

"Clock is ticking baby, wake up!"

"Oh yeah yeah I'm going to school now."  I pouted.  Heck I haven't showered yet.

"Ah, no way.  You need to shower for 10, wear this outfit, and meet me downstairs in 15."  Ari started to pull off some dresses out of my dresser.  She's the master of fashion.  Gladly, she does the same thing for me, every single morning.

"Shower for 10?  What kind of shower is that?"  I protested her while she threw me my towel.

"That kind of shower.  Jeez, grumpy girl.  Go!  I have stopwatch with me!"  Ari pressed something on her phone, I wasn't sure, but I heard the ticking clock.

"You're not serious."  I shook my head.

"No."  She gave me the glare.  "Noooow!  I'll call Tanya!"

Yes.  Welcome to my house.  That's the pretty same mess thing that happens everyday.  Ariana will wake up first, jump on me, yelling, make breakfast, call Tanya to wake her up.  Then when we're all ready, she'll sleep again.  Until the time that she's been setting by herself.  Well-managed girl.

"Done."  I walked downstairs.

"That's my sister!"  She clapped happily.  "Let me fix your ponytail."

She did some additional stuff with my hair.  I've tried to do everything she said but there's always something wrong.  And Ariana always knows.  And Ariana always fixes.  That's what a celebrity sister is for, right?

"Isn't it too much?"  I asked slowly.

"What?  Of course not!  You're beautiful, Dee.  So proud of you."  She squeezed me inside her hug.  "Come on, let's eat and off to school."

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