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I'll make a shocking news today at school.  If my decision to ditch the basketball team in the past wasn't surprising yet, wait until today's show.

"Are you gonna announce today?"  Tanya walked with me from the school gate to our lockers.

"Yes, I think so."  I nodded.  "I have no time anymore."

"I want to go with you."  Tanya suddenly cried out so we stopped in the center of corridor.

"I know sweety, I know.  But you gotta move on.  Seriously, it's the best thing to experience, to have you by my side along the way.  It's not that I don't love you."  I hugged her really tightly and cried together.

"My gosh...why this is happening..."  She tried to hold her breath to stop the tears but it just made her panting so hard.

"We'll talk about this later okay?  Class first."  I walked her to the class.

Everybody stared at both of us.  They definitely know how close I am to Tanya.  We're the twins.  Well, today the twins were crying together.  We can't hide the red eyes and the frown.

"Good morning kids!"  Our English teacher came into the class and ready to start.  "Did you do your homework?"

"Yes, Sir."  We all nodded in unison.

"Okay.  Good.  But, before that, I want to announce something.  The annual class choir competition is about to start again.  We'll be joining the competition just like last year.  I want you to grab the trophy for twice in a row."  Mr. Jay spoke.

"When will it be held?"  One of my classmates raised her hand and asked.

"In 3 weeks.  That's why I want Tanya and Diana to help me to train you all."  Mr. Jay shocked me by that task.  "Girls, when will we get the plan?"

"Uhm..."  Tanya was about to answer but she choked.

"May I talk, Sir?"  I added.

"Sure sure, stand right here."  He opened the space in front of the class for me.

"So...uhm...  Well first, I'm so thankful that we get nominated again this year.  Such a pride.  But...this time, I also want to tell you guys something.  I...am...gonna move out to Australia."  I shut my eyes and blinked a tear.



"What is she talking about?"

All of them whispered to each other, leaving Tanya crying alone.  I took a deep breath.  I glanced at Mr. Jay and he's very shocked too.

"Yeah, uh...I'm moving out.  It's gonna be my last day joining the class.  Start tomorrow, I'll take care of some documents with the administration staff.  So...I'm gonna say sorry and thank you so much...  You guys have been the best classmates I've ever had..."  I panted.

"Oh gosh..."  Tanya sighed.  But since everybody stayed in silence listening to my words, we can hear her sigh.

"I love you all so much.  Love you twin, so so much.  It's just...I'm sorry I can't join this time's competition.  Sorry I wouldn't be able to play basket for our school anymore.  Last month's tournament was my last tournament.  And last year's choir competition was my last time joining you.  But I hope we'll get the trophy again this time."  I nodded to end my speech.

"Why rushing, Diana?"  Mr. Jay asked slowly.

"I want to get a good course in Melbourne and one thing I can prepare this early is to be their senior student first, so that it'd be easy for me to join the university later."  I smiled.

"Gonna miss you, Dee..."  Another classmate whispered.

"Yeah."  The rest were nodding.

"Thank you so much for being so supportive.  I love you.  Thank you.  And sorry too."  I swept my tears and smiled once again.  "Gonna miss you too..."

"Okay...  This is the most shocking news we've ever gotten so far.  But we should keep going.  I'm sure Diana wants us to kill the competition.  We're gonna win it for you, sweety."  Mr. Jay hugged me.

"I definitely am.  Please do."  I chuckled and hugged him back.

"Go back to your seat."  He pleased me.  "Alright then, shall we start?"

Mr. Jay led the English class for the next one hour, then we had the first break.  But Tanya and I didn't leave the class.  I helped her to prepare the songs for choir competition.  It is hard for her.  Now I feel the real tension.  I thought it would be hard only for me, because I will be leaving.  I forgot, that the one who's being left can be hurt so much too.

School went by really fast.  Tanya accompanied me to go to the administration office so they can prepare my recommendation letter this soon.  Tomorrow I'll do the rest, and will clean up my locker.  In 2 days, I'll be leaving Orlando forever.  Gosh.  I didn't think it would be this mess.

"Why leaving?"  I heard the low tone voice from across my room, just a second after I tossed my bag to the couch.

"What are you doing here?"  I stepped aback.  Connor was standing by Ariana's room door.

"I asked you."  He came closer.

"School stuff."  I charged my phone.

"Why didn't you tell me?  I don't hate that goodbye stuff, alright?"  Now Connor has stood in front of me by my room door.

"You wouldn't change anything, anyway.  Now please forget everything that has happened.  And don;t you dare try to hurt my sister's."  I whispered rudely to him.

"I don't get it why we can't get along nicely."  He chuckled.

"Oh that because we don't suppose to.  I'm busy.  Can you leave me alone?"  I turned around and started packing again.

"This isn't over."  Connor walked away.

"Long waay from over."  I sighed.

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