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My head felt so dizzy.  I have already woken up but can't open my eyes right away.  The light blinded me off.  And I think all around me was just white.  I'm not definitely home.

"T..anya?"  I murmured, hoping somebody would notice.

"I'm here."  She soon grabbed my hand.  But I also heard couple more feet walked toward me.

"Hey."  I winced.  "Aren't we home?"

"No.  You need some bedrest time here in the hospital."  Tanya kissed my cheek.  "Be strong baby."


I didn't get it.  Why she did say that to me.  What's going...

"Sweety, it's me Ari.  How you feeling?"  She swept away her tears.  I studied her expression.

"Ari...  Shouldn't you be recording today?"  I spoke really slowly.

"How could I leave you like this."  She sobbed harder.  "What happened to you?  Why too stubborn?  You weren't strong enough for tournament!  Why didn't you tell me!"  

"Baby...  Ssh...  That's okay.  Don't be too hard on her.  She needs some time."  I saw Connor hugging Ariana from behind to stop her from yelling at me.

"I'm...sorry..."  I blinked a tear.  Complicated tear.

"That's okay, Dee.  The thing is you're okay now.  Get better soon, alright?"  Connor kissed my forehead.  For the first time, he kissed my forehead.

"Hmm.  Thanks..."  I nodded weakly.  Now i know what Tanya meant by 'be strong'.

"You should eat something, twin.  Let me feed you."  Tanya just took over the conversation.  She just saved my life by doing that.

"Okay."  I nodded.

The following 2 hours was awkward around here.  Tanya kept feeding me really slowly because I just felt the result of getting elbowed on stomach.  That girl in the rival team who elbowed me seriously had the biggest body ever, followed by too much power.  I felt like just gotten punched by guys.  Not to mention that my eyebrows hurt really badly.  And the last but not least, bleeding head.  But I wish I could tell you for thousand times, how hard it is to see Ariana and Connor holding hands all the time around me.  They didn't bother to stop it.  Of course, it's called hidden feeling.  Ariana just fell asleep on Connor's lap after debating with her manager about the recording schedule.  I've asked them to just leave because I'm okay now.  But she insisted to stay.  I mean, they should have been knowing that leaving me alone with Tanya here would be much better decision than staying around and showing me that romance.

"Doctor McCain took care of you at the Emergency."  Tanya cleared her throat after made sure that Connor also fell asleep.

"What?"  I mouthed.

"Yeah.  But don't worry.  I've told him not to tell them."  Tanya pointed to Ariana and Connor.

"Oh thank God.  Thanks so much Tanya, I appreciate it."  I relieved.

"But that wasn't Mom huh, who called you before the tournament?"  Tanya stared at me, waiting for the truth.

"No..."  I finally shook my head.

"Doctor McCain?"

"Hmm."  I nodded.  "I'm sorry, I didn't want to let you down..."

"But you're carrying up everything within you.  That's not even the good decision, Dee."  She whispered to me.

"I know...  I'm sorry."  I shut my eyes.

"What did he say?  What about it?"  

I didn't answer, just smiled and took Tanya's hand then started to sob.  She stared at me, crying too.  There are too many untold things within these tears.  I swear to God, honestly I can't contain myself anymore to not crying.  Crying is the best solution to me recently.  That's why my face looked horrible.  Tanya kept on sweeping away my tears, kissing my forehead, whispering good things so that I can stop crying.  

"i'll be here for you at all times, baby.  I promise."  Tanya hugged me really tightly.  Somehow we managed it to not making too much noise.

"Thanks..."  I tightened my grip to Tanya's shoulder to let her know that I actually really wanted to scream.

"Ssh...  Okay okay I got you."  She helped me to lie down again on my bed.

"I want you to promise one thing for me."  I spoke to her eyes, means I meant it what I will tell her.

"Anything, Dee.  What is it?"

But instead of talking, I took a small piece of paper that the nurse probably left me for my prescription.  I took a pencil too on the desk.  Then started writing.

No matter how hard things gonna be, no matter how hurt it is to be me, I don't care if one day I'm dying, please don't tell anyone about my birth name, and my story. This conversation has never happened.

"Oh gosh..."  Tanya swept away her tears repeatedly until she got her sight back to read my note carefully.  And she sobbed so hard, but she covered her mouth.

"Pinkie promise?"  I asked.

"Pinkie promise."  She hugged me again.

"Thank you."  I closed my eyes, slowly fell asleep.  Tough day.

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