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"Oh hey, where were you going?  Had fun?"  I met Ariana in the kitchen tonight.

"Heeey!  Yeah we did.  I bought some new Gucci stuff for this week's show.  How's the school project?"  She asked back.

"Hmm, good I guess.  Tanya and I did everything so we won't be too busy tomorrow.  It will be collected in 2 days."  I drank my water.

"Cool."  She stood by my side, next to the fridge.  "I think I need to ask you something.  No, actually tell you something."

"Really?  Sure, let's go upstairs."  I tried to not choke.

"Dee, is it okay...that I'm jealous of Connor?"  Ariana murmured once we entered her too-pink room.

"Not really.  Tell me what's this about?"  I cleared my throat.  Fingers crossed.

"I was going to his house this morning.  Went to his room, and...when he's asleep, I found this letter with his name on it.  It's from someone named Azalea."  Ariana kept bowing her head while talking.

"Azalea...  Like the flower?"  I drank my water again.  I think I'm sweating.

"Yeah."  She smiled a bit.

"What did Connor say about it?"  I rubbed her hand.

"He told me to not worry about that.  She's just another anonymous fan.  But yeah."  Ariana chuckled.

"Yeah what?  You're jealous of this?"  I smiled.  "Ariana, you're the most beautiful girl on the planet.  I mean you could just get anybody as your boyfriend but well, you chose Connor.  But you have to remember that he chose you too...instead of any other girl that he might just choose.  Means that the love works on both sides."

"I know...  I just don't want to lose him..."  Her voice cracked.

"I don't want to either, to see you losing him..."  I hugged her tightly.  "Be positive sissy.  You're all the girls could ask for."

"Thank you.  Yeah, that means a lot baby."  She swept her tears.

"Cool.  Ah come on, I can picture you guys married someday."  I smirked, with one tear fell down on my face.

"That'd be too far, come on."  She rolled her eyes.  "Oh hey, I knew it from Connor.  You made Riley and Tanya together?"

Bam.  What should I say?

"Ah, that.  Hahaha.  So I was about to play basketball with Tanya at the park, but then met Riley and Toby before Tanya came.  They made new songs.  I chatted with them until Tanya showed, but at the end I asked them to join the tournament!"

How good I am as a liar?

"Don't you like Riley?  Like seriously?"  Ariana studied my expression.

"Of course not!  I don't know how Tanya's feeling for him but I think they both like each other.  I'm not gonna be the third party on that relationship, Ari.  I'm all good."  I smiled widely.

"Let's find another one for you?"  She asked.

"Heck no, why so serious?"  I laughed louder.

"Because you're 20 and you haven't had any relationship ever in your life."  She frowned.

"I'm totally good, Ariana Grande my lovely sister.  Hahaha.  Someday will come.  The right guy for me hasn't just arrived yet.  That's all."  I bowed my head, smiling.

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