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What did I just do?  I kissed Diana?  Really.  It's out of my control, but I'm not in denial that honestly it's been in my mind for a while.  I just realized I love Diana that much after dating Ariana for few months.  It was all fine with Ariana.  She's still a sweetheart.  But once I figured out what went wrong between my rude conversation with Diana that has been held for so long, I knew, we both love each other.

But I hate the world now.  Why should she move out this time?  Where's she going?  What if I wouldn't be able to see her anymore?  I thought I cared of Azalea, the girl who kept sending me anonymous letter everyday.  I thought I doubted my relationship with Ariana because of her.  Then, there's Diana.

"I'm homeeeee!"  I heard Ariana's voice from the garage.  Maybe you thought I would come toward her.  But no, I'm not in the mood.

"Upstairs, darling!"  Diana answered from her room.  Here we go.

"Is Tanya here?"  

Ariana and the girls still yelled to each other because she's still in the kitchen, and hasn't seen me yet, plus Diana and Tanya were too lazy to come down.  Or maybe Diana didn't want to see me anymore.

"Safe and sound baby!"  Tanya answered.

"Oh!  I'll join you in a minute!"  Ariana ran from the kitchen then suddenly stopped at the first staircase.  "Babe?  Whoa.  I didn't know that you're here!"

"Surprise?"  I smiled simply.

"Surprise!  So surprised!"  She shouted excitedly.  "Been how long, love?"

" hour maybe?"  I took her bag and walked with her upstairs.  

"Soooo long!  I'm sorry..."  Ariana leaned a kiss on my cheek.  I glanced at Diana.  She rubbed her eyes, or maybe swept a tear.

"It's okay.  It's my idea to come this early instead of joining you in the studio."  I sit on her room couch.

"Why?  Is it boring already?"  She suddenly stopped my heart by saying that.

"No...not like that.  Is it even wrong to surprise you this way?"  I asked back, in a low tone.  She should know that I'm upset.

"No no no it's not what I meant...  I'm sorry."  She bowed her head while combing in the bathroom.

"Okay just forget it."  I repositioned myself then held my phone.

"What we're gonna do...  You're busy?  Doing spree?"  Ariana joined me on the couch.

"About to do it but I don't know when."  I shook my head.

"You maybe should do it."  She suggested.

"If I plan to do, I should tell the boys too because it's always related.  We count the spare time, remember?"  I explained plainly.

"Hmm..."  She nodded.  "What to do now?"

"Where's Diana going to move?"  I suddenly asked something that shouldn't be asked to her.

"Oh?  How did you know?"  She shocked.

"She opened her door room while packing with Tanya, I saw it."  I lied.  Terrible lie.

"Melbourne..."  She finally answered after some minutes.


"Babe, you're okay?"  

"Yeah sure.  It's just too far and I think I've never heard you talked about her plan before.  Is it a sudden decision?"  I tried to look normal.

"From what she said to me, yes.  She's been planning it.  But Mom and Dad didn't agree, until I helped her to speak to them."

"When will she leave?"  I cleared my throat.

"In 2 weeks."  Ariana still answered my whole questions.  "Why so curious?"

"Nothing.  She's your sister, right?  I feel that I have the responsibility to know what's going on too."  One lie was being stacked to another lie.

"Right."  She sighed.  "Gonna miss her though..."

"Everybody will."  I nodded.

"Oh, you wanna have dinner with them?  I can cook.  There are some bacons and cheese, I think we can make some burgers."  Ariana tried to break the ice.

I don't think it's a good idea, really.  After kissing Diana in the kitchen, and the debate in front of Tanya, now we're gonna have dinner together?  Fingers crossed.

"Sounds good."  I walked downstairs then Ariana followed me.

"Girls, I'm making burgers!  Come down please!"  She yelled first to Diana's room.

"Alright sweety!"  Tanya answered.

"Okay, let's go."  She took all of the equipments then started cooking.


What now.  After kissing session in the kitchen, we have family gathering now?  How wonderful.  Also, considering my Celiac, no way I could eat burgers.  Do you feel me?

"What should we do?  Join them?"  Tanya pulled up her hair.

"Of course, she has asked."  I stood up.  "I'm on diet, okay?"

"I got it."  She nodded.

"Heeey!"  Tanya cheered up while we're walking downstairs.

"Come come come, join us!"  Ariana was busy with her burgers so I helped her.

"What are you making, sissy?"  I took my lettuce and started chopping.

"Burgers with bacons and...oh, I forgot your salad."  She ran to the fridge.

"Baby, I got it."  I lifted my knife.  "Chopping the lettuce."

"Ah!  Hahaha I didn't see that."  Ariana looked disturbed on something but she tried so hard to shake it off.

"It's fine."  I pinched her cheek.

"Okay!  Ready to serve!"  She brought the plate of burgers to the dining table where Connor and Tanya were.

I was frozen for a while, facing my back at them.  I don't know how to turn around and meet Connor's eyes again.  He might have asked Ariana where I will be moving to.  Maybe 2 days from now Ariana will figure out that I just kissed her boyfriend.  Still, with the fact that she's my sister.

"Burgers, Dee?"  Connor broke the silence between us.  We talked to each other, I talked to them, laughed as usual, but not to Connor.  I can't even glance at him.

"Oh nope, thanks.  Been consuming salad for a while."  I smiled.

"Yeah, Diana's having restricted area.  Hahaha."  Tanya added.

"Smart."  I rolled my eyes.

"I still can't believe that Jason guy ditched the date."  Ariana tried to find one good topic, but bam, she's failed.

"Should we really talk about it?"  I choked.  

"Yes."  Connor nodded.  "I think so.  Right?"

"Second that."  Ariana looked at me.  "Is he still calling you or something?"

"Not at all.  Like not a chance."  I smirked.

"My twinnie is a tough girl.  And like I wouldn't let any guy hurt her feeling.  Never.  Ever.  And it applies to anyone."  Tanya helped me.  Again.  But this time, she added know, Connor was frozen.

"Right.  I agree too.  You deserve the best guy in your life."  Connor, who sit across me, nodded repeatedly and staring with his deep eyes.

"Thank you all.  Thank you."  I bowed my head all the time.

It's hard to hold your tears while you bow your head.  And also hard to breath too.  I want to go to Melbourne now.

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