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I rushed to wake up in this super early morning. I sneaked out of my room and tried to make breakfast by myself. Looking in the mirror, my eyes looked horrible. I didn't sleep. I ran the fan account all night long, spamming Connor Riley and Toby with some pictures and tweets too. Yeah I know. One of three boys that I spammed last night was there, in Ariana's room. Slept over. Spent night together. I swear to God, that feels really hurt. I wish I wasn't meeting Connor.

I made chocolate pancakes, some more for Ariana and Connor. I hope they weren't awake yet. I have this important tournament today. I don't want them to ruin my life this early. After breakfast, I called Tanya then showered really fast. I put a note on the fridge, and drove away.

"Hey!" Tanya popped out from the cafetaria and jumped on my back.


"Oww, feeling better twin?" She fistbumped me.

"Uhm yeah." I took a minute before I answered her question. No, I can't ruin her day either.

"Alright Cap, ready to brief?" She shouted happily.

"Let's get to the business!" I wrapped her shoulders and we walked to the changing room to meet the team and coach.

Shortly we gathered to have one last brief. I changed myself to the team uniform, tied my hair to a ponytail, and put the captain wristband.

"One, two, three, ORLANDO!!!" We cheered.

"Whoa, I'm excited!" Tanya jumped around as we walked to the field.

"Hell yeah." I smirked. "Oops."

"What?" Tanya stopped.

"Someone's calling. Maybe Mom. I'm gonna take this first." I showed her my phone.

"One minute?" She warned me.

"One minute." I noted.

I walked further to the corner of corridor until I can hear the voice clearly. It was really loud outside, everyone's cheering. I stared at my phone. Unknown number. Definitely not Mom.


"Diana? This is McCain." He cleared his throat.

"Doctor? Oh I'm sorry. Is there something?"

"Uhm...can you come to the hospital now?"

"I'm afraid I can't, Doc. Can we do it from here? You got my result?" I held my breathe.

"Yeah. I came to the hospital earlier to get your result. Really? I need you to come here, Diana. Can't you ditch your first hour of school? I can send somebody to pick you up."

"Doctor I'm sorry... I can't. I have basket tournament today. I mean now."

"What? No, you can't do tournament!" Doctor McCain yelled at me.

"Because the Celiac is real?" I swept away my tears.

"I can help you..."

"No. There's only a slight chance, right?"

"At least you can still do something right now. No, actually many things. We'll do therapy, anything you need. I'll help."

"I...uh... That hurts." I sobbed.

"Be strong, sweety." Doctor murmured.

"Alright. Thanks for the info, Doc. I'll catch up with you later. I have a tournament to do." I rushed to end the call immediately.

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