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I arrived in Melbourne after 18 years.  Oh gosh don't ask me how many hours I spent in that airplane.  It's like forever.  But ah, life's already complicated and a day is already like forever.  What else.

"Excuse me, to this address please."  I asked the cab driver after spending another 5 years to wait for my baggage in the airport.

"Oh right, I know this.  Let me take your bags."  He said politely.

"Thank you so much."  I nodded and got in the car.

We didn't really talk too much along the way.  I guess this nice driver just wanted to let me rest for a while.  And I did.  I put on my headset, played Soldier over and over again, until I fell relax enough to open my eyes.  We took 1,5 hours to get to my new apartment.  After this, I should find Stella, Mom's relative that she said will hand me my apartment key.

"Thank you very much."  I gave some money to pay the cab.

"Are you...American?"  The driver stopped me before I went inside the apartment lobby.

"Yeah."  I smiled.  "Uhm Sir, do you know the direction to Melbourne Hospital?  It says here that it's close enough."

"Oh yeah, but you gotta need a ride to go there.  You pass this street, go straight to the next traffic lamp then turn left.  It's like 4 miles on your right."  He explained.

"Quite far..."  I nodded.  "But thank you again.  You've helped a lot."

He left me with a mountain of bags here in the lobby so I went up to the reception desk.  I met one girl and one guy, but one of them was on the line.  So I was just gonna ask.

"Good morning, uhm...  Where can I meet Stella?"  I asked.

"Good morning.  And your name?"

"Diana Grande."  I nodded.

"Whoa...  Are you...related to Ariana Grande?"  The girl receptionist excitedly stood up.

"Uhm yeah actually I'm her sister."  I smiled normally.

"I'm her biggest fan!"  She shouted.

"Yeah and it's amazing, thanks for supporting my sister."  I hugged her.

"Well oh gosh okay okay.  I'm gonna call Stella.  Would you mind to wait?"  She took the phone.

"Sure.  I'll be right there."  I pointed to the couch.

I sit there for 10 minutes.  Gosh how much I wanted to jogging or doing yoga right now because every part of my body was hurt.

"Hey Diana.  I'm Stella."  A girl came up to me.  She's cute.  Maybe just 5 years older than me.

"How you doing Stella, nice meeting you."  I hugged her.

"Nice meeting you too and I'm fine.  How was the flight?"  She smiled.

"Ah, dead boring."  I rolled my eyes and she chuckled.

"Okay, let me help you to get to your house."  She called the door man to pick up my bag and went with her upstairs.  "Follow me."

"How do you know my Mom actually?"  I tried to talk to her because she's nice.

"Oh, my Mom's your Mom's best friend back in college."  She smiled, like always smiled.  I love it about her.

"Ah that's why.  Thanks for the help anyway."  I chuckled.

"Mention not.  I've been working here for a while though so you may ask me for any help at anytime."  She gave me her number.

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