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I was preparing a good day with Ariana.  I don't know what made me, but I asked her out.  We would date at a local mall, just spend day together.  I'm just stunned by her personality though.  Not to be rude, but I've been looking up closely to every Ariana's step in music career.  Professionally, or personally.  There's already a crush, deep inside, and way before we met.  And about Diana...there's this part of me that was shocked when I knew they're sisters.

"Dude, where you going?"  Riley shocked me just when I was about to go.

"Meeting Ariana."  I said in short.

"Whoa.  That's..."  He squinted his eyes.

"Stop.  I don't want you to mock me." 

"No no no.  I mean...  I thought it was Diana..."

"What?"  I lifted my head.

"Frankly, I thought it was Diana bro."  He stood by the garage door.

"Who what?"

"Wins it all for you."

"Uh...  Look.  It's hard, alright?  Everything with her is hard.  I don't know what to do.  I've been trying to say hi nicely to her but she just denies it all."  I bowed my head.

"And you're just done trying?"  Riley raised an eyebrow.

"Which you mean this is the wrong step, to ask Ariana out?"

"He tries to say that she might be jealous."  Toby suddenly joined us.

"Excuse me?"

"Con, you're adult.  She is, too.  She could be jealous.  I mean I can see it in her eyes."  Toby explained.

"I don't get it.  Why would she either, to be jealous?"

"Look closer, learn something.  Maybe Toby was right."  Riley put his hand on my shoulder.  "And I agree with him."

I took a long deep breathe at the passenger side, resting myself from everything.  The conversation was clear.  And I can't stop thinking of it.  I thought I was having crush on Diana.  And I might be seeing it too in Diana's eyes, but I can't tell.  It's too risky.  She might be, or might be not liking me back.  Maybe taking Ariana's out later would be one big mistake.  I could be hurting Diana's feeling.  That's why she's acting differently ever since she met me.  But I can't take it back anymore either.  Ariana's a nice person that I can't resist.


"Tanya?"  I spoke through phone.

"Heeey twin!  How you doing?"

"I'm good.  Not really.  Uhm...  You're busy?"

"Oh not at all.  You want me to come over?"

"Please."  I swept away the tears.

"Hang on there, I'll meet you in 5."

Tanya hung up the phone.  She is the person of her words.  If she tells 5, then she'll be here in 5.  I just need to wait.  Now's 2 pm.  And I can't stop staring at my laptop.

"Dee?"  Tanya yelled at the front door.  I ran to open it for her.

"Hey."  I let her in.

"Jesus Dee, you look horrible."  She hugged me.  "What happened?"

"I...uh...  Tanya I'm scared..."  I hugged her so tightly.

"Ssh I'm here.  Talk to me.  Come on."

I said nothing but gave her my laptop with some opened pages on it.  She took a seat in the living room and tried to study every information that I got on my laptop fastly.  I was biting my nails nervously, can't stop crying at all.

"No.  That's a big no.  No way."  Tanya just teared up.

"That's what I'm feeling lately..."  I pulled my knees against my chest.

"That's not true.  You haven't checked it up yet!  Where's Ariana?  Ari???"  Tanya tried to call Ariana but I stopped her.

"Listen to me, Tanya.  This is not the thing that Ariana should know."  I reminded her.  "And I'm not playing a game, seriously."

"She has to!  Your parents have to!"

"No!  They don't!  None of people would know about this.  You understand me?"  I asked her but she started to crack.  "Tanya, you hear me?"

"Diana..."  She just hugged me tightly.  "It's a nightmare..."

"I don't know, really..."

"But really, where's Ariana?  I just want to know."

"Goes out, with Connor."  I tried to smile.

Tanya studied my expression once again.  She remained silent, not knowing what happened between me and the world lately.

"You...'re liking Connor."  She shook her head.

"Uh, I wish I wasn't."  I laughed.  "Leave it that way.  I don't care."

"Are you kidding me..."  Tanya walked here and there.  "You're...again, stepping aback?  Crap Diana, stand out for your rights for once in your life!"

"What's to stand up for?  It's her happiness."  I murmured.

"And you let it go?"

"Like I always do."  I nodded.

"You've done much, baby.  Speak up!"  Tanya yelled.  I understand how upset she was but nothing I can do with that.  "For freaking one time in your life, you have rights to be happy!"

"Her happiness is mine..."

"Not really.  Seriously don't lie to me.  You're not happy."  Tanya shook her head.

We stayed in silence for couple minutes.  Tanya and I both need time to process these disaster.  Everything went too fast.  I didn't even have time to take a breathe.

"My goodness."  She suddenly took the laptop again from my lap, and opened something on it.

"What are you doing?"

"Checking your twitter."  She spoke fastly.

"No you can't!  Tanya, I don't want you to do that!"  I tried to take it back.

"Stop!  You're done hiding things from me Diana.  So done!"  She kept on checking.  "DianaBYE...  Who's this?"  She showed me the laptop.

"Nobody."  I said in short.

"Answer me."

"Nobody Tanya, I don't know about that."

"You've been running a fan account of Before You Exit guy for a while, huh?"  She put the laptop on the table.

"It's nothing..."  I sighed.

"It's nothing but you're being the loyal fan of BYE guys since 3 years ago.  And I know who you're having crush on.  Now, easily Ariana takes away everything from you!  Swear to God Diana, try to tell him!"

"No way.  I'm letting you know this not because I want you to tell people.  And you've promised me."  I warned her.

"I know!  I'm not gonna tell them.  If they knew, it must be coming from yourself.  But I mean..."

"Can we stop?"  I cried harder.  "I'm just scared..."

"You're still alright.  It's just eating disorder.  You'll be fine, twin."  Tanya hugged me.

"Thank you for keeping it all as secrets for me..."

"I got you..."  

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