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"Morning!"  Tanya jumped to me at the corridor.

"Whoa!  Heeey!"  I pinched her cheek.

"How's yesterday?"  She asked straight to the point.

"Yesterday?  Nothing's special."  I raised my eyebrows.

"Ah you're liaaaar."  She sassily answered.

"Seriously."  I smiled.

"How's Jason?  Was he cute?  Asking you out?"  Tanya excitedly interviewed me.

"No, he's not coming."  I shook my head.

"Excuse me?"  We sit in the class and started to unpack our books.

"Yeah, he wasn't coming.  What can I say."  I checked my phone.

"I'm gonna kill him, you know that?"  Tanya's face becoming red, she's that angry.

"Easy girl, it's okay that he didn't come.  I've known it anyway."  I bowed my head.

"No way.  Stop telling me that you don't deserve him.  Blah blah blah.  Because dude. you deserve him or even better, even the most beautiful male model on earth whatever.  It's not only one Jason in the United States of America."  She kept talking like that which made me laugh.

"Yeah, I know.  But well it's good.  I didn't really into it either.  It's just good he didn't come."  I tried to end the topic.  "But Connor came and drove me home."

"What?"  Tanya choked twice in a minute.

"Yeah he did.  He stopped by, brought me umbrella, and drove me home."  I bowed my head.  "Ariana figured out and that's not good.  I felt so much guilty about it."

"It's not your fault again.  It's Connor who offered, right?  He knows you.  Of course he'll offer you help at anytime, especially when the rain's pouring so hard..."  Tanya held my hands.

"i know.  But is it wrong?"  I shut my eyes.

"No.  Not at all.  Never."  Tanya smiled at me.  "Shake that thoughts off baby.  Stop it."

"Okay..."  I nodded slowly.

"Come on here."  Tanya hugged me.  "You'll find somebody else."

I was about to argue her again about this thing that I don't really want to find anybody else in my life because I'm already this complicated, but I stopped.  I'd rather just hugged her and said thank you.  Bye, Jason.

The next thing I knew was today went by so fast.  We got some boring classes and also a music class after lunch.  It was fun, because Tanya and I always felt like wonder women everytime we got this class.  The teacher always asked us to give the other kids tutorial about the instruments.  It's fun.  From one instrument or two that we master, the teacher will always be happily to give us the highest scores.

"Phew, another schooly daaay."  Tanya rolled her eyes, we walked to the locker room.

"No such thing as 'schooly' word, twinnie."  I rounded my arms on her shoulder.

"Whatever I'm deaad tired."  She complained.

"Okay okay let's just get out of here."  I smirked.

We put everything in the locker, then walked outside.  We both ate this cake together happily until somebody stopped us with those familiar eyes.

"Connor..."  Tanya murmured.

"My goodness."  I bowed my head.

"Hey guys."  Connor smiled.

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