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"We need to talk."  Ariana burst out yelled in the living room once I opened the door for her.  It's been a while since we're talking.  Been 2 days exactly, after Diana's gone.

"What?"  I threw my body to the couch.

"Can we talk at somewhere private?"  She put her hands on her waist.

"Hmm?  This is private.  Nobody's here.  The boys are still sleeping."  I messed my hair.

"You don't take it seriously, huh?"  She threw the purse toward me.

"Whoa.  You better not."  I stood up.  "What's your problem anyway?"

"My problem?  Oh.  My boyfriend acts differently, awkwardly, without any warning!  That's my problem."  She yelled here and there.

"Can you not?  They're sleeping, I told you!"  I whispered.

"Go away make everybody realize that we have issue around here!"  Ariana pointed to me.

"I don't think there's any problem to talk about.  I'm dead tired, Ari.  Haven't had my coffee yet.  Today's gonna be an interview and house party.  I need more rest."  I sighed.

"What's more important than your girlfriend and our relationship?"  She got louder.

"Jeez!  My career, or course!  My family, of course!  My band and a house party and an interview, that's more important than this endless discussion!"  I finally shouted too.  Dang it, she tried to bother me and she succeeded.

"Wow."  Ariana shook her head.  "Wow, I can't  believe it."

"You can't?  Me neither.  Except you're too busy with your music video and studio stuff whatever like I don't exist here."  I threw a piece of paper.  "We do the same exact thing.  It's not only you who live the music life."

"But you don't know what I was doing!  I was sad because Diana's gone!  I missed your presence in the studio!  They took me 2 days only to make a single shooting!  Can you imagine?"  Then she started to cry.  Oh really now.

"Guess what?  I do can imagine!  Because that's seriously nothing compares to what I do too, with the band.  You're Ariana Grande.  Come on."  I chuckled and walked to the kitchen.

She left me crying in silence.  Gosh I don't know how to handle this anymore.  She will just end up crying in every conversation.  We lately never got one clear discussion where we can talk normally about normal stuff.  I don't know what Ariana knows now.  But she got too attached to drama, and her busy life.  Everything went wrong for her.  Her emotion is uncontrollable.  So am I.  Really, I swear, so am I.  Having Diana out of sight after revealing what I feel for her is hard.  I bet I'd be happier with Diana now instead of Ariana.  But I don't know if that can even be an option, or the possibility just vanished right away after she's gone.

"Look.  Stop crying.  Really."  I spoke as well as made my coffee.

"I miss you..."  She cried harder.  Oh, girls' excuse 101.

"I miss you too.  But not this Ariana.  The old one.  The care one.  The kind one."  I handed her a glass of water but she looked away.

"I mean, I miss you..."  She stood up and got too closer to my face right now.  She made me put down my coffee.

"No, Ari, no...  Please."  I stepped aback.

"Why?"  She's frozen.

"I think we need a break."  I said bowing my head.

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