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School bell.  Today's school has over.  We collected up everything on the table and ready to go home.  Tanya and I walked faster than we usually did, headed straight to the hospital.

"Doctor McCain."  I spoke to the receptionist.

"Diana Hawkins?"  The nurse asked.

"Yes."  I nodded.

"Okay Doctor has been waiting for you.  Please."  She pleased us.

"Thank you."  We went up by the elevator and joined Doctor McCain in his room.

"Afternoon, girls."  He greeted us.  "How you doing Diana?"

"I cancelled the Melbourne plan."  I shortly spoke.

"Well, why?  I've contacted my friend there."  Doctor McCain sit on his chair, faced us.

"They didn't trust me to go there by myself."  I raised my shoulders.

"Shouldn't you just tell them about this?"  He slowly asked.

"No, Doctor.  I'm adult enough to carry on my own problems, right?  They won't care anyway."  I chuckled.  Tanya held my hand.

"What now?"  He sighed.

"I...I don't know..."  I covered my face.

"Okay, what do you feel lately?  Any struggling while eating or walking?"  Doctor changed the topic and soon checked on my condition.

"I choked few times at those condition I had never gotten before.  And um...  I felt really weak lately.  I ditched my you requested."  I shook my head to hold the tears.  Wow, how could I not cry while saying that.

"Okay.  Let's take this medicine first for you, and we'll see within a month."  He wrote me prescription.  "And would you, like write something for me, continually?"

"Excuse me?"  I raised my eyebrows.

"Like a diary."  Doctor looked at me.  "I need to see your improvement, how far you've gotten."

"Is there even any improvement?  I don't feel it."  I murmured.

"Diana, keep up the positive mind in your heart and mind.  We can battle this condition together."  Tanya whispered.

"True."  Doctor McCain nodded.

"While there's nothing that can cure my condition?  Yes."  I smiled bitterly then walked away.

I left Tanya alone in Doctor McCain's room before she followed me like few seconds later.  I stayed in silence.  Many things are on my mind right now.  Seriously I need to figure out something else.  The only chance was Melbourne and no way I could get there.  And the other one is Japan.  But you know, not even a slight chance.

"That's enough."  Tanya stopped me while we walked out of the hospital.


"I understand that you're going through all those heavy stuff and I can't even help you.  But please, you're selfish right now, girl."  She rushed her steps away from me.

"Whoa whoa whoa.  What the heck are you talking about?"  I shook my head.

"For God's sake, please live on!  Try to get a life and get your spirit back!  We can't talk forever about the death because you know what?  Even without Celiac we're all gonna die!  I don't know, maybe I'd die first before you.  We never know!  Look, Dee.  I will fight for you on this.  Forever.  If you need 50 years, I'll give you 100 years.  But you have to believe in yourself too.  No more Melbourne plan, okay, let's find out another thing to help you survive.  You're 20, you can ask for a new apartment to your parents.  Live alone, and like I'll live with you everyday.  Until we graduate, and I'll move in with you.  Will take care of you, go to the hospital with you, feed you, anything!  That's gonna make it easier for you, huh?  To stay away from Ariana?"

"Tanya I'm sorry..."  I sit on the pedestrian bench.

"I know you're sorry.  Me too.  But we gotta do this.  Okay?"  She hugged me.

"I was that selfish..."  I murmured.

"Yeah, sorry but you are still selfish if you don't want to fight.  See?  Doctor McCain wants to help you too.  He'll support the medical bills.  Besides, we have our own money too.  And I'll work, somewhere, everything even Starbucks, just to collect some bucks."  Tanya stared at the distance.

"No you don't have to do..."

"Stop it, can you?  I do what I want to do.  And it's nothing to do with you.  I'm helping.  Done."  There we go Tanya and her stubborn mind.

"Okay."  I bowed.  "That's too much.  Thank you so much."

"You have another letter to Connor?"  She asked.

"I just put it by myself this morning.  Maybe tomorrow."  I shook my head.

"Now I smell the coffee.  Would you like to go with me?'  Tanya asked first because I've had no more caffeine time effectively since a week ago.

"Sure."  I smiled.


It's not that I didn't appreciate Ariana's feeling or our relationship.  But this letter kept coming by the time I tried to let it go.  Everytime I opened the mailbox, then there's always this specific envelope with my name written on it.  And after few times, I can't help but go outside and took it by myself.  I'm kinda like waiting right now.

Dear Connor,
Good morning.  I have always asked how you doing so I'm not gonna ask anymore.  I just want to greet though.  Nothing new on this letter, unfortunately.  I hope you're not bored yet for this thing.  Because I have amount of mountain high of letters to send you later.
But Con, how sad are you if somebody who's close to you die?

"Die?"  I whispered.  "This is getitng creepier everyday..."

"New stuff?"  Toby passed by and asked.

"You tell me."  I rolled my eyes. 

"Check your followers list closer, you might find something."  He suggested.


What?  Should I also find any fingerprints right now?

DEAR CONNORWhere stories live. Discover now