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Yesterday was fun.  No, not fun.  Because there was Connor that I didn't expect.  The boys were so fun though, they remained stay until we finished the show.  Yeah, Tanya was happy.  But me?  Not so much.  But however I gotta be happy for Tanya.  So I did.  But crying inside.  

Connor was...never stop looking at me.  He stared into my eyes all the time.  There I was being the freaking statue.  Dude, he's my sister's boyfriend, I tell you for a million times.  Ariana was in her recording studio all the time yesterday.  Meanwhile her boyfriend stared at her own sister all the time.  Didn't it sound wrong?

And there's Jason too, with his confusing gestures.  I know, Jason's one of the most good-looking guy I've ever known.  Tanya's not lying.  If everything was normal, I could just fall in love with Jason.  But guess what, it is hard for me even to breathe.  Everyday's about Connor now.

"Good morning!"  Ariana jumped to my bed.  I was already awake but still battling with some pillows.

"Aw!  Morning..."  I groaned.

"Come on, wakey wakey!"  She pinched my nose.

"Yeah alright..."  I still groaned.

"Hey tell me, how was yesterday?"  Ariana pulled my hand so I sit.

"Plain show."  I rolled my eyes.

"Liaaaar."  She spoke sassily.

"I swear!  Well okay it was a bit cool.  We sang like too many songs.  Like some professional singers."  I made funny faces to her then brushed my teeth.

"Tell me moreeee!"  Ariana yelled.  "Connor said they were there?  Weren't they?"

"Oh yeah and that too.  Your boyfie and his colony spotted a corner from morning to afternoon."  I chuckled.

"He should have accompanied me in the studio yesterday..."  I heard that murmur but I didn't care that much to ask.  "But I'm glad he's taking care of you."

"Taking care of me?  Who?  Toby?"  I laughed.

"Connor."  She cleared her throat.  "I'm serious, I'm happy that he did."

"It's you who he has to take care of.  I'm good.  Tank is fine."  I smiled.

"I heard they say that there's this Jason guy who likes you..."  Ariana smirked all the way.

"Whoa.  From who?"  I raised my eyebrow.

"Tanya, and Riley, and Connor..." 

Oh.  Connor.  So he's seriously fine with everything.

"Jason was just being nice and all."  I combed my hair.

"Why won't go for a date with him sometime?"  She asked again.

"Well interviewer, because he doesn't ask?  Hah."  I threw a pillow.  "My goodness, why do you always give me too many questions like this?"

"Breakfast time!"  She smirked.

"Sassy."  I rolled my eyes.

Ariana was going downstairs as well as yelling to Mom and Dad to wake them up.  I stayed a minute longer to clean my room.  Then I saw an incoming call.  Tanya?

"Twinnie!"  I shouted.

"Heeeey!"  She answered.  "What you doing?"

"About to have breakfast, where are you girl?"

"Starbucks with Riley."  She giggled.

"OH, Starbucks with Riley..."  I chuckled.  I'm sure she heard that.

"Yeah, but somebody wants to talk to you here."  I'm sure she gave the phone to somebody else.

"Hey."  A male voice.

"Hey...  Who's this?"  I sit on my bed.

"You don't remember?  Ah, how bad..."  He spoke really slowly.  That raspy voice.  I once thought that it was Connor so my heart was beating faster.  But then...  "Jason, love."

"Ah...Jason, how you doing?"  I tried to sound calmly.

"I'm good.  More importantly, how are you?"  He replied.

"I'm all good too, thanks."  Boom.  I don't know what to answer anymore.

"Uhm...hey why don't you join us?  My treat."

"No, Jason, no...  I guess not.  I mean I'll go there later but not now."  I whispered.

"Seriously...uhm, can I ask for your number from Tanya?  You know, I use her phone now but I can't do this forever, so...  Uhm..."  Jason stuttered.

"It's...yeah okay of course."  I stared at the distance.

"Okay!  I'll catch up with youlater.  Bye bye."   He ended the call.


What now, Jason.  This might be my turn to forget Connor.  But I don't know, Jason doesn't sound too real either.  I'd just let myself hurt.  We can't try to love a person that has never been on the list, right?  You might be think that I'm being too picky.  But no, I wish I had choices.  They aren't even my choices.  Neither do I to them.  I don't deserve anybody.

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