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Let's go home!

Ah, what a week in Vegas.  I reminisced the old days when I was here with the boys to write some songs.  It's way before we're growing this big.  I miss them too though.

"Babe, everything's ready?"  Ariana zipped my backpack.

"Hmm sure."  I nodded.

"Okay, I'll meet you in two days."  She landed a peck on my lips.

"Not so worry about it."  I kissed her back.

"Text me okay?"  She walked with me to the elevator.

"Yes Madam, yes."  I laughed.

We drove with the manager's car to the airport.  Ariana has to do one more day full of photoshoot tomorrow, while I can't wait any longer.  We gotta do some press days tomorrow.  That's why I should go home a day before her.

"Alright."  She rubbed my arms as I held her waist.  "Gonna miss my boo."

"Awh."  I rolled my eyes.  "Should we be this cheesy?"

"Yeah we should.  Because I won't sleep with you tonight and tomorrow night."  She pouted.

"Not that it's like a big deal, considering you left me all day for the sake of video making?"  I chuckled.

"Oh stop it!"  She punched my chest playfully.  "Okay, go inside before you miss the flight."

"Don't say that.  I'd be killed by the boys."  I smirked.  "Bye bye Ari."

"Bye bye love.  Take care."  She waved away.

"You too baby." 

I walked further the check-in counter, then made a way upstairs to the waiting room.  I spent whole day tweeting the fans, the one I'd never done anymore during my time in Vegas.  I felt really bad about this though.  Ariana has stolen my attention.  But that's my fault.  I should've still done this in between.

Spent 20 minutes waiting, finally it's my flight.  It took me like forever inside the plane but I killed it by sleeping.  It's not only Ariana who was tired in Vegas though.

"I'm homeeee!"  I yelled really loud to everybody once I stepped inside the house.  "Hello?  Anybody home?"

"Oh yeah we're here honey!"  I heard Mom's voice.

I ran straight to the pool side and met everybody here.  Dad, Mom, Riley, Toby, and Tank.

"Whoa, family gathering is it?"  I laughed.

"Hey son, how you doing?"  Dad hugged me.

"All good Daddio, how you guys doing?"  I hugged everybody back.

"We're fine, I guess."  Riley nodded staring at the pool.

"Not that fine, huh?"  I wrapped his shoulders.

"Press day, tomorrow!"  Toby played with Tank by lifted his feet.

"Hmm yeah I know."  I nodded.  "Oh, is it about that?"

"Why look at me?"  Toby pouted.

"Is it?"  I glared to Riley.  He's so quite.

"Maybe."  He smiled.  "But most importantly you're here now."  He finally hugged me.

"Well...  I still feel something going on right here.  What is it?  Dad?  Mom?"  I looked at everybody.

"Your brothers are worrying about your band's schedule, baby.  You should meet Anthony and everybody else tomorrow."  Mom messed my hair.

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