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"I'm gonna see Doctor McCain."  I spoke to no one in particular when we were waiting for Diana at the hospital corridor.

"I'm coming!"  Ariana just stood up from Connor's side.

"You don't really need to come with me."  I looked at her.  "I want a time for myself."

"Tanya, you..."

"Ari, please.  This isn't the right time.  Diana's gonna need you anyway."  I lied.  I can't hold it anymore.  I'm hating them both that much right now for killing my best friend's feeling.

"Baby, we can just stay here.  That's what she wants us to."  Connor stared at me and held Ariana's hand to let her sit again.

"Okay..."  Ariana teared up.

I wasted no time to ran to Doctor McCain's office.  I asked the nurse if he's there.  She gave me permission to go inside his room.

"Doctor, I called you earlier!"  I panted.

"Hey...  You're..."

"Diana's friend.  Tanya.  I came with her two days ago to meet you."  I explained fastly.

"Right."  He put down the stethoscope.  "I had a surgery just now.  What happened?"

"Diana fell down on the ground by the last minute of tournament.  She's bleeding and now in the Emergency.  Doc, please..."

"I got you, Tanya.  Alright.  Let me take care of this."  He calmed me.

"Thank you..."  I lost my breathe.  "And Sir...  Uhm..."


"Diana's sister and her boyfriend are here.  I mean, Diana told me that..."  I stuttered.

"Understood."  He rubbed my back.  "Very well understood, Tanya.  Thank you for letting me know."

"Alright alright.  Please take care of her..."  I said to the doctor and he just left me for the Emergency.

I walked up slowly back to where Ariana and Connor were.  By the time I was still at the corner of corridor, I saw Connor and Ariana kissing.  It might be to calm down Ariana.  But I understand Diana's feeling.  My heart's even broken to see it.  My best friend has been loving Connor for years, and now her own sister took over of the only guy she loved the most.  

"How's the doctor?"  Connor spoke awkwardly to me as he released Ariana.

"He's in Emergency."  I murmured.

"I'm so scared..."  Ariana sobbed again.  "Mom and Dad can't leave their work until next month."

"She'll be okay."  Connor rubbed Ariana's hand.

"How could you be so sure?"  I glanced at him.


"Nothing.  Never mind."  I stared back to the floor.  One big mistake.  But to be honest, I'm happy I did that.

We stayed in silence for forever until Doctor McCain showed up from the Emergency room.  He has really serious expression.  And I can't help but holding my breathe.  Ariana has never stopped crying for no reason too.

"I'm Doctor McCain."  The doctor spoke to us.

"Yeah Doc, how is she?"  I answered fastly.

"She's in better condition now.  The scar on her head will be just fine in two weeks.  But she was bleeding a bit too much, so I gave her an anesthetic so she can sleep.  Let her rest."  He explained.

"Thank you so much Doctor, thank you."  Ariana shook his hand and followed by Connor.

"Whenc can we take her home?"  Connor added.

"I don't suggest it too fast.  She needs time."  Doctor nodded at Connor, then glanced at me.  I understand.

"Thank you Sir."  I tried to end up the conversation because the more they asked, the more would be revealed.

"I wish I could prepare her breakfast this morning."  Ariana held her head.

"Baby, you should stop blaming yourself."  Connor kissed the top of Ariana's hand.

Lord.  I'm so sick looking at this couple.  It's not like I didn't appreciate them.  I did.  But for Diana, please stop it.  I'm already as sad and angry as Diana right now.  

"Are you Diana's family?"  The nurse spoke to no one in particular.  She and another nurse had Diana on the bed, ready to transfer to her room.

"Yes."  I stood up right away.  

Guess what.  Diana used her birth name here in this hospital and it's recorded as her data.  If the nurse called Diana as 'Diana Hawkins' then Ariana and Connor would know that she was once coming here.  So I got to stop her from telling Diana's last name, and changed it to the normal 'Diana Grande' from now on.

"I understand, Miss."  The nurse nodded at me.

"Good."  I whispered.

"What's that, sweety?"  Ariana asked.

"Nothing.  The nurse said that they're gonna bring Diana to the inpatient room."  I turned around.  One problem solved.  It's so hard to keep the secret, can't you see?

"Can we go with them?"  Ariana asked again, hoping.

"Sure."  The nurse behind me nodded politely.  "I'll show you the way."

"Sure."  I nodded to.

I gave the space for Ariana and Connor to walk first in front of me.  Connor stopped walking with Ariana, letting his girlfriend to speak with the two nurses.  And instead, he stood by my right, remained silent.

"What is it?"  He cleared his throat.

"What's what?"

"Your awkward moves." 

"Nothing's awkward.  I'm scared for Diana."  I bowed my head, keep walking.

"Is she seriously okay?  I haven't ever seen somebody who hit her head on the ground like that could be bleeding as much as she did."

"Different person, different case."  I tried to keep calm.

"Ariana's really worried about her sister."  Connor spoke again.

"We all do."  I nodded.

"I hope you'll tell me everything that I need to know."  Connor suddenly stopped me by grabbing my wrist so that I can turn around.

"What's it that you think you need to know?"  I asked confusedly.

"I don't know.  You tell me."

"Other than Diana's condition, I got nothing left to tell you."  I rushed to walk away.

No way.  This isn't right.  Diana has to awake soon.  The condition is already poorly controlled.  I can't play this role all the time.  As much as I wanted to save my best friend's secret, I could still have a choice to let Connor know.  To literally save Diana.  But then now what.

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