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"Sweety, you're done showering?"  Mom knocked my door while I came up from the bathroom.

"Oh hang on Mom, I'm getting ready!"  I shouted back.

"We're waiting downstairs!"  Mom answered.

"Sure sure, give me 5!"

I heard Mom's steps going back downstairs.  Actually I've been ready since 30 minutes ago, but I need a time for myself to think about something.  I would just say it to them right now.  I took one last look at my email.  Tanya still didn't answer me.  So I left my laptop on just like that.

"I'm in!"  I laughed walking to our balcony where Mom and Dad were.

"Hey baby."  Dad passed me my tea.

"Thanks."  I kissed his cheek and took it.

"So, how was school?"  Mom opened the conversation as well as sipping her tea.

"Uhm...pretty good, I guess.  Normal day."  I nodded.

"Have you contacted Ariana?  I miss her though."  Dad stared at the distance.

"Yeah, we've texted a while ago.  She's still recording.  I don't want to bother her right now."  I answered Dad.

We took a minute to embrace the afternoon breeze.  It would be this awkward, always, with my Mom and Dad.  We're close, really close, but it's only if Ariana's here.  My sister will always cheer up the moment by her laugh or jokes.  I'm nowhere near her ability to blend with this family.  Oh yeah, forgot, I ain't a part of this family, theoritically.  So even after few years, I can't feel like I belong here.

"You look so stiff."  Mom rubbed my shoulder.  "Anything you want to tell us?"

"Haha...  Uh yeah actually."  I gave my awkward grin.

"Alright, we're listening."  Dad changed his sitting position.

"Well, first, I miss you both so much.  It's like a month not having you here is always difficult.  But don't worry, me and Ariana got along really well together."  I started to speak.

"Oh yeah, seeing Ariana got new boyfriend, I think everything has been running really well."  Dad noted his words.

"Ah, and 'that'."  I raised my eyebrows and we're all laughing.

"But?"  Mom insisted.

"But...  Okay I don't want Mom and Dad to freak out.  I would like to ask something...  And I haven't told Ariana either about this."  I cleared my throat.

"Tell us, sweetheart."  Dad stared into my eyes.

"I...would like to move to Melbourne."  I murmured really slowly.

There's this silence between us again after I told them my idea.  I got ready myself to hear their rants because this decision might just sound impossible.  I know.

"Why Melbourne, Dee?"  Mom studied my face.

"Because I would like to go to University of Melbourne, Mom, Dad.  It's been my dream for the past few years."  I smiled.  Liar.

"Can you seriously live alone, take care of yourself?"  Dad started asking me few basic questions.

"Sure!  I've started to take care of myself."  I convinced them.

"Are you sure to leave what you've had behind?  Ariana?  Tanya?  Your basketball stuff?  Choir tasks?"  Mom still can't understand my decision.

"I know this sounds horrible.  But I've been thinking about this for so long.  I've took care of basketball and choir Mom.  It leaves me only about how to leave you, Ariana, and Tanya behind for chasing my dream.  I just want to do this.  It would be so hard to submit myself as new student in Melbourne in my first college year.  I'm old enough for a student already, you know that. So I need it now, to plan everything.  One last year in high school, then go to college."

"But it's not your fault.  We're too late to bring you to your first grade, you've wasted some time not doing anything.  But it doesn't mean that you aren't smart."  Mom reminded me.

"I know, but now's different right Mom, I can't be the last person on the list forever."  I shook my head.  Tough discussion.

"Baby...  I don't think it's the right decision.  Can't you just take NYU or something?"  Dad sighed.

"Unfortunately, Melbourne is my choice.  Please..."  I blinked some tears.  "You said to me and Ariana to chase our dreams.  Ariana has done hers.  And this is mine."

"We'll be thinking about it."  Mom nodded at me.  She like signed me to end this topic right away.

"Thank you for considering."  I smiled.

I stared again at the distance from our balcony to the city lights below us.  Yes, I'll be leaving Orlando very soon, hopefully.  Look.  This is confusing, but it's my life.  I was too late when the first time I went to school.  I am just 1 year younger than Ariana, but 3 grades below her.  That's why I'm still doing school.  Tanya's soon to be 18, like other normal kids in my grade.  I know I could just spend my last grade in Orlando first, then go to Melbourne after.  But...I want to leave really soon.  Everything in here has made me broken to pieces.  Should I mention you again why?  Celiac, Connor, Celiac, and Connor.  They're my reasons.

"I'll take care of this."  I took Mom and Dad's used tea cups and brought it to the kitchen to wash.

"Thanks honey."  Mom smiled.

"Not a problem."  I shook my head smiling.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow, okay?"  Dad stopped me.  He must catched my awkward expression.

"Oh sure, sure, anytime is fine."  I smiled and walked away.

I finished washing our tea cups and right away walked back to my room.  Tanya.  She's on, but not replying my email.  Alright, I'll be doing plan B tonight.  And also...I want to write one important stuff first before.

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