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"So what we're gonna do?"  Tanya threw herself on my bed.  We're just got home from school.

"I don't know where to start, but I guess I'm just gonna pack my clothes.  Leaving this all behind."  I pointed to my music corner.

"Excuse me?  Hey, this is your life.  Why won't you take it with you?"  Tanya moved to the piano and started playing some random melodies.

"I don't feel like bringing it.  I won't be able to play anymore, anyway."  I bowed my head.

"Love, it's not what I meant..."  Tanya suddenly came and hugged me.

"No no, it's okay.  I completely understand my condition right now.  And I'm in no more denial.  This is me."  I nodded.  "I'm okay."

"No you never are."  She shook her head repeatedly.

"It doesn't matter."  I smiled.  "Let's pack this part then." 

I took my first suitcase and opened it, meanwhile Tanya helped to bring down all my not-so-popular clothes.  We packed them all in 20 minutes.  Then I also took all of photos in my room, and packed it in one specific box that I will bring in my bag later.  It consists of all my memories with Tanya, Ariana, and...some of Connor's.  Oh, him again.

"What to do now?"  Tanya sighed.

"Packing?"  I turned around.

"No I mean what to do now between you and Connor."  She stared at me.  "Don't you have that guilty feeling for yourself, knowing that the guy that you've been loving actually has the same feeling as you?"

"Then what?  Imagining I will be able to have him in some short time?  No."  I chuckled.

"You could have just said the same thing to Connor at the beach!"  Tanya whispered.

"And forgetting the fact that Ariana is my sister?  Twinny, I can't be that person.  They have a good relationship anyway.  Nothing to sacrifice.  Nobody has to do the sacrifice, especially for me."  I stared at the distance through my window.

"Have you ever felt tired, sacrificing yourself for Ariana?"  She joined me standing by the window.

"Sometimes."  I sighed.  "But you know the answer."

"Repay what they've given you."  She nodded.

"Oh my gosh..."  My eyes were stuck on one familiar face.

"What is he doing here..."  Tanya soon realized who I was staring at.

A minute later, we heard the door bell.  I shook my head a million times because I didn't want to open the door.  But how, he's still my sister's boyfriend.

"Hey."  Connor hugged me.  It's very rare.  Actually never.  I was like a crying statue.

"Hey."  When he released me I finally can blink my eyes again.  "Uhm, Ariana isn't home yet."

"Good."  He cleared his throat.

I didn't answer him, but running upstairs instead.  Tanya was in the middle of the stairs, waiting for me.  No, actually watching me if anything happened.

"Because I haven't finished."  Connor half-yelled.

"Nothing to talk about anymore.  Leave me alone."  I was frozen, facing my back at him.  The least thing I wanted to do was to meet his eyes again.

"But I want to talk.  Before Ari's home."  He stopped me.

"I'm not doing anything like that."  I turned around.  "You may wait for her in her room.  You know where it is."

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