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Today I woke up to another plan in my mind.  Last night conversation with Diana has made my eyes open.  She's right.  I was the one to blame here.  I was too demanding.  I forgot that Connor has life too.  He also needs to do his music life with the band, and it's more important than being there all the time with me in the studio, where the only one who actually work was me.  My fault.  I admit it.

Mom and Dad were out of town for couple days.  They got invited to a holiday trip to Vegas for a week with some other employees.  Whatever I didn't bother to ask.

"Hey Riley, uhm it's me Ariana."  I spoke to the phone.

"Hey Ari.  How you doing?" 

"Great, thank you.  You're fine?"

"Fine."  Riley replied.  "Can I help you?"

"Yeah actually, I just want to know.  Do you guys have plan for today?"  I bit my lips.

"Today we have short interview for Red Thumb campaign, but I think that's all.  Sunday.  Lazy day.  Haha."  He explained.

"Oookay..."  I wrote something on the paper.  "Would you help me?"

"Sure, about what?"

"Making sure Connor won't go anywhere, because I want to come over."

"Oh?  Sure, of course.  He wouldn't go anywhere without us anyway.  Except for the interview, and that's it." 

"Cool.  Thanks so much Riley.  Talk to you later!"  I ended the call.

"Bye bye!"

That's it.  You know my plan.  I want to meet Connor to say hi, and sorry too.  I was being too selfish.  So i gotta make a kind redemption for the sake of our relationship.  Connor said it should have only been a little break.  So practically we weren't break up yet.

I put the cute outfit on.  It's a navy blue lacy dress with a bow on my waist, then covered with a cardigan.  It's always good to dress up for your boyfriend right?  Spent an hour of preparation, I drove along to his house.  Fingers crossed.  I want my love back.

"Morning Tobes."  I pressed my horn.

"Heeey Ari!"  He jumped running to me and hugged me really tightly.  "We kinda miss you."

"Ah really?"  I kissed this young boy's cheek.

"Sure.  See?  Tank misses you."  Toby gave Tank to me.

"Uuh I don't mind."  I carried Tank.  "Where's everybody?"

"Connor's upstairs.  Riley's watching Nickelodeon."  Toby put Tank back on the ground.

"Nickelodeon?  Then why you're here?"  I smirked.

"Because it's my turn to walk this grumpy fluffy ball..."  He rolled his eyes.

"Jeez you two are so cute.  Alright!  I'm coming in!"  I waved Toby.


I stepped inside this house.  Whoa, can't believe, it's been a week.  I saw Mom Joan rearranged some furniture in the living room so it looks new.  I always love the smell of the house.  And because it's supposed to be where I belong too.

"Morning!"  I held Riley's shoulders from behind.

"Goodness!  You shocked me."  Riley pouted.  "Oh wow, you look gorgeous."

"Haha.  Sorry.  Oh and thank you, you're so kind."  I spinned my dress.

"New hair color?"  He chuckled.

"Uh-ha."  I winked.

"He's upstairs."  Riley whispered.  "Yes, before you even ask."

"You're the best!"  I pinched his cheek then ran upstairs.

Oh right.  Okay.  Be calm.  This is it.  Say hello to the lover-enemy over here.  Uhm.

"Connor, may I come in?"  I spoke gently.

"Who's that?"  He replied.

"Ariana."  I held my breath, not knowing what his reaction would be.

"Oh."  I heard a low tone.  "Hang on."


I waited for a minute, maybe he got dressed or something.  Then finally, he opened the door for me.  I was...stunned.  His blue eyes met mine perfectly.  His messy hair just on point.  I didn't realize I missed my boy until today. 

"Hey."  I smiled.

"Come on in."  He opened the door wider.

"Thank you."

I sit on his couch, because that'd be inappropriate to sit on his bed.  Let's be polite today.  Everything has to be smooth.  

"How you doing?"  Connor stood by the mirror and messed his hair.

"I'm doing great."  I bowed my head.  "Connor, uhm, I'm coming here to say sorry..."

"Okay."  He nodded and smiled, but I felt it's not enough yet.

"Look.  I've been so selfish about myself and I pushed my career on you, put it above everything else that should have been really more matters to you.  I thought my problems were the biggest.  I thought I demanded what I deserve.  I didn't realize I've put your stuff aside in order to raise my concern."

"You should've realized it earlier.  But okay I got it."  Him and his low tone and his cold heart.

"Con...  I'm truly sorry.  I'm willing to change.  I am changing.  I hope you see the differences now."  I convinced him.

"Baby, it should be because of yourself, instead of me.  Changing won't last longer if you force it for the sake of people's attention."  He bowed his head too.

"I'm not...changing for anybody.  This is for myself.  Diana made me realize."  I spoke fast.

"Diana?"  He suddenly lifted his head up with a brighter light on his eyes.

"Yeah, finally she called last night and..."  I smiled.

"She called?"  Connor kept repeating my line.

"Hmm yeah she called..."  I tried to continue my words but I saw something else.  "You...  You're not..."

Connor bowed his head, deeper, more deeper.  I held my breathe to shake this whole possibilty off my head.  It's not gonna happen.  This is wrong.

"You're not..."  I kept trying to say something but the voice in my throat stucked.  'It's not...that..."

"I'm sorry."  Connor shook his head, not wanting to look at me anymore.

"So it's...  She..."  I stuttered, even worse.

"I'm sorry."  Connor turned his back on me.  "I'm sorry..."

"Been how long?"  I finally can say it.  Even if I barely can hear myself.

"A while."  He stared at the distance.

"That...  She's my sister, Con..."  I cried in silence.

"I'm sorry..."  He got lower.

"She's...my...little sister..."  I kneeled on the floor.  "That hurts..."

"I'm sorry."  I heard Connor took a deep breath but he's not willing to fix anything.

I ran downstairs as fast as I can, stormed out of the house, leaving Riley with his confused expression because he didn't have a chance to even ask.  We did nothing upstairs.  No yells, no shouts, no voice at all.  I passed Toby and Tank at the front swings then locked myself in the car.  I stared at the road before me.  It's too long.  Too hard.  My boyfriend loves my own little sister.

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