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December 23rd.  Advance Merry Christmas from my hospital room.  Can't believe it's been 5 months since I got here and never left for even a day.  I did whole physiotherapy that Doctor Cory gave, ate those medicines everyday, rest as much as I could.  I wish it could give me something to be proud of.  But Celiac wasn't going anywhere.  I sit here staring at the window with even less ability to eat the proper food.  I'm pale like a vampire.  Way much skinnier.  

"Diana, shall we drink this?"  Natalia, the nurse that was assigned to take care of me brought another doze of medicine for after lunch's schedule.

"Nat..."  I smiled.

"Hey.  How you feeling?"  She checked on my pulse and infusion.

"Great."  I nodded slowly.  "Nat..."

"Hmm?"  She sit on my bed.

""  I tried so hard to speak.

"I think I don't have any wishes.  Do you?"  She stroked my cheek.

"Uhm."  I nodded.  "May...I?"

"Sure."  She repositioned herself.  "What is it?"


I spoke to her as well as using signed language, because I can't push too hard on my voice.  It's been gone for a month.  It's been a month since the last time I can speak properly.

"Come home?  To your apartment?"  Natalia raised her eyebrows.

"No.  To...America..."  I signed.

"America?"  Natalia stared at the whole pictures above my headbed.  "You miss your family."

I nodded.  I just nodded all the time, or shake my head if I disagree.  That's all I can do now.  So please bear with me and my very limited physical ability today.

"You miss him."  Natalia pointed to Connor's pictures on the wall.  "Do you?"

"Hmm."  I smiled.  ""

"Sweety, stop it.  No you're not going anywhere as you think you will.  Be alive.  You won't leave us."  She got so emotional.

"Liar."  I smirked.

"Dee."  Natalia bowed her head.

"Please..."  I begged.

"Okay I'll try to speak to Doctor Cory.  But I can't promise anything."  She said sweeping her tears away.

"  Merry...Christmas..."  I gave Natalia a folded-origami that I made to be a flower.

"This is so beautiful.  Thank you lovely."  She hugged me and we both cried.

Why's everybody look very sad everytime they see me?
Do I look that horrible?
Do I already look like a vampire?
I don't mind, because I've always wanted to be one.
I just want to come home, hopefully Doctor Cory will let me.
I want to meet Tanya, and Connor, and Ariana too.
Hoping they would forgive me.
Thank you Doctor Cory, for being so patient to me.
I wish I could live longer.

"Nat...alia...?"  I called her.

"Yes, sweetheart."

""  I gave a number on a piece of paper to her.  ""

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