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"How you doing Diana?" Doctor Cory pleased me to come into his room.

"Uhm, been okay so far, thank you." I smiled.

"How's your eat schedule? Feeling dizzy or something?" He took my health record and started writing.

"My schedule is fine. I guess. I eat normally." I answered again.

"What about your sleep?" He stared into my eyes. I know Doctor Cory found my face's paler than before.

"Okay Doc, what this is all about?" I sighed.

"Look. You said you took all medicine as it's scheduled but nothing's happened yet. We see no improvemet yet. I'm not telling that you didn't drink your tablets, but we should've been seen something today." He explained me with an illustration.

"Does the medicine really can make any difference to my condition? With what I have here?" I murmured.

"That's what we're trying to see... People have different metabolism. And you..."

Doctor Cory tried to continue his line but I cut it. "But I can't feel anything."


"Doctor, tell me, honestly. Can I still have that chance to get better? Because I've researched about myself, and this Celiac. God knows you know better. So tell me. Is there?" I bowed my head. I blinked some tears already.

"Be strong, little girl. Be strong. We're here to help you. I'm here trying to save you. Just because you choose to live this way, leaving your family behind, struggling yourself, it doesn't mean you don't have some friends. Why don't we fight together?" He deepened his tone and I know he meant it.

"I...it's hard to know that you fight for nothing." I shook my head.

"Ssh...I know, I exactly know what you feel..." Doctor Cory came up and hugged me so I burst out cried against his doctor suit.

"I'm sorry." I tried to hold my breath.

"It's okay. Cry as you want. I'm here." He rubbed my back.

"No I'm fine. Sorry. Everything's just felt so wrong. It's like I'm alone against the world. Haha." I took the tissue that Doctor Cory offered.

"Alright. You know, we still will do this medical treatment. I'm doing my best to do more research, hoping it will help. So please, work with me as a team. Deal?"

"Deal." I nodded.

"Good. This is your new prescription. Take it, and we'll meet again next week." He smiled genuinely.

"Thank you Doctor." I hugged him goodbye.

"Bye bye sweety."

I waited for 15 minutes for the nurse to prepare my medicine, then I walked outside. Wow. Can't believe it's been a month. But I can't feel anything from Melbourne except its freezing wind. So many people walked passing me along the way. Looked very busy with their stuff. And then there's me. Alone and forgotten.

So after being very confused, I decided to go to the park. They said that's one cool place in town and it's pretty near from my apartment. When I sat on the park bench, I noticed some girls, they're probably friends, carried some flyers in their hands. They split up around the park and started coming to people and gave them their flyers. I just stared at what they did.

"OMG OMG! That's Before You Exit???"

I heard this very loud voice from behind me so I turned around. These were two girls reading the flyers after one of the girls gave it. But oh wait. What did they say?

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