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That's it.  That's over between me and Ariana.  I wasn't willing to change anything.  At the end of the day, I could just hurt her even worse.  What can I say, I love her sister.  I take every fault.  I was dating Ariana without knowing that the one I actually loved was Diana.  I kissed Diana when I was still Ariana.  This whole undeniable feeling that I have.  I wouldn't hide anymore.  If nothing I could get, then be it.  I just want Diana now.  You can blame me, you don't ask me to stop loving her for now.  You can't go wrong with the feelings.

"Tanya, you're busy?"  I called her once Ariana stormed out of my house.  I locked the door.  Sorry bros, I'll take the questions later.

"Hey Con?  Wow, so early.  Haha.  I'm free.  What is it?"  She answered from across the phone.

"Uhm...where can I meet?  I need to talk to you."  I insisted.

"Okay.  Starbucks?  I'll meet you there.  Give me...1 hour."  She agreed.  I just nodded, this is perfect.

"Alright.  Want me to pick you up?"  I grabbed my towel ready to shower.

"Nope, I think I want to buy something first.  Catch up later!"  She hung the call.

I showered as fast as I can, dressed up with whole black stuff, got ready, then went downstairs.  At the middle of the stairs I already met two couples of eyes staring at me like the killers.  I sighed.  Can never go out of this house before finishing this interview session.

"What?  Just ask."  I got to the kitchen, drank some milk.

"Who's first?"  Toby whispered.  I know, he hesitated.

"You first, you wanted to ask."  Riley whispered back.  Gosh, I have two ridiculous brothers.  I kinda laughed a bit.

"Guys, please, just ask.  Oh first, I'm okay.  I'm not gonna throw some stuff here though.  Unless Mom would kill me, of course."  I chuckled.

"Alright alright.  What was that?"  Riley pointed to the front door, which actually pointed to what happened before.

"End of story."  I raised an eyebrow.  "It's over, between me and her."

"What the heck?  Bro, you love her so so much!  Even before we met her at the school, you'd already loved her like that!"  Toby half-whispered talk to me.

"I know.  But...I kinda can't resist it anymore..."  I put down my spoon.

"What?"  Riley stepped closer.

"I love Diana."  I shut my eyes, ready for their reaction.

"Ah, predictable."  Toby chuckled.

"Excuse me?"  This time they shocked me.

"Dude, we already knew.  You can see it from thoooose eyes."  Toby answered.  He wrapped my shoulders.

"That was definitely tough.  But we're sure Diana wouldn't do the same thing.  I don't know.  It's not like I don't like Ariana.  No, as an artist, and a person, she's completely amazing.  But to be your better girlfriend, if I can choose it for you, I vote for Diana.  Since the very beginning."  Riley smiled.

"Why so?"  I was surprised for twice already in a minute.  These guys seemed have known more about this, much more than I did.

"We met her and Tanya at the park bench when you're in Vegas with Ariana.  Con, let's be honest.  It's kinda hard seeing you with Ariana all the time.  You pushed aside everything just to make it to the studio with her.  We have works to do.  Remember when Riley and I got assigned by the team to make this new song as fast as possible?  With the possibility of you doing nothing in Vegas?"  Toby looked emotional, but I completely understood.

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