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I walked to school this morning by myself.  Mom and Dad were home already.  They arrived last night and soon passed out like I wasn't there.  Typical.  I don't know what's going on next but I'm feeling it, they'll soon join another business trip.  I am 20 years old and already felt being left behind.  

"Dee!"  I heard my coach's voice echoing on the corridor.

"Yes Sir!"  I laughed at myself.  Too stiff.

"Hey.  Are you feeling better?"  He put a hand on my shoulder.

"Actually yeah.  Thanks."  I smiled.

"So, this afternoon, you coming?"  He raised an eyebrow.  "Haha.  What a question.  I know you will.  See you there, Captain!"

Maybe this is it.  I have to tell him now, or never.

"Coach!  Wait!"  I ran toward him and whispered.

"Diana...you sure...?"  He stuttered.  Not a great news actually.

"Definitely sure, Coach.  I don't want to wait any longer and cause anymore harm to the team."  I nodded.

"Everybody will dislike this decision."  Coach shook his head.

"I know, I know...  It's just, the decision has been made and I'll take the risk."  I swept away my tears.

"Should I announce anything?"  He hugged me really tightly.  Yeah, Coach has been likely a father to me.

"No.  I guess not.  They'll get used to it shortly."  I nodded.  "Thank you for everything."

"Take care Diana.  Let me know if you need anything.  I'm here 24/7 for you."

"Thanks Coach, really appreciate it."

I walked back to my class and met Tanya.  We had some boring subjects to do until lunch break.  And then sport.  I changed my clothes into the sport suit and joined my classmates in the field.  I might have not tell you this yet, that my basketball coach is also my sport teacher.  He nodded at me twice in every minute.  We had this secret sign between us.

"Diana!"  Coach called me in the middle of sprint field.

"Yes?"  I turned around while speaking to Tanya.

"I want you to take a note on everybody's timeline.  You'll do the sprint later."  He gave me the stopwatch and timeline table.

"I'll do it."  I took it and sit on the Coach's seat.

"First, up, Megan!"  Coach whistled to call one of my classmates.

I took their time and sorted the sprinters from the fastest to the lowest time.  The coach stood by my side all the time watching my work. They did amazing.  All of my friends are fit enough to do sprint even marathon.  We're all healthy...but me.

"Time's up!  Enough for today guys!  See you next week!"  Everybody split up to the changing rooms by coach's command.

"Dee, you're going with me?"  Tanya offered her hand.

"I borrow Diana for a while okay, Tanya?  I'll give her back to you in 15."  We all laughed, our coach is a funny guy.

"Alright.  I'll be in the cafetaria!"  Tanya waved away.

"Sure twin!"  I waved back.

"So..."  He cleared his throat.  "Final decision?"

"No changing plan.  I'm stick to the point."  I nodded.

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