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I walked passing this park again, everyday, it's still never change.  It's still quite, still cold.  I held Riley's hand tightly inside my arms because I'm afraid I would cry my eyes out again today.

"Good morning twinnie, how you doing?"  I put a bucket of white roses on top of her tomb.  "I miss you."

"Hey Diana."  Riley put her photo too, lied it against the tomb, near my bucket.

"Happy birthday..."  I whispered.  "Happy 22nd birthday.  I still love you.  So much.  You have no idea."

The wind was like answering my tears as it brought us the peace from today's weather.  It wasn't too hot in Florida.  And it should've been Diana's birthday.  July 30.  We used to bake cupcakes together every year then ate it like some crazy people until we fell asleep to a DVD marathon.  But it didn't work that way today.  Starting from now, there'll always just me coming to her tomb and say happy birthday for a celebration that we shouldn't count anymore.  But either way, I'm still gonna do this.  I'll be counting til I see her in another life.

Today, everybody's here.  Aireen came too.  She once came back to Australia by herself, then the guys had an early concert there as one of their Pacific tour shows.  You know, it should've been July 30 for Melbourne show, but they narrowed down the days-off to make it come back early to The States.  And Aireen came with them too.  For the past 7 months, all I did was just doing last days of school, then that's it.  I might probably come into a university here in Orlando.  I have no exact solid future.  I just did what I had to do.  I didn't even come to the prom night because you tell me, what's the point.

"Happy birthday, babe.  I love you."  Connor whispered to her photo and kissed it.

"Shall we?"  I murmured.  "They're waiting for us."

"Let's go."  Toby wrapped his arm around Aireen's who's still crying so hard, then we off to the carpark and drove away.

Today, my school will be having a graduation party.  For me, the seniors, and should've been for Diana too.  Even though technically Diana wasn't graduated from my school, but she definitely was somebody this school should be proud of.  We never won any basket ball tournament that much anymore since she left.  The choir group ditched themselves to honor Diana.  I haven't laughed anymore for almost 6 months.  We're not in our best shapes.

"Wear this."  Riley kissed my forehead and put on the graduation attribute on me.  "I love you."

"I love you too."  I lied my forehead on Riley's chest to take a deep breath, then we sit together.

"Shall we start this wonderful day by saying congratulations to all of you, for graduating the senior high.  It is the future that you have outside the gate.  We wish you a very best good luck for your tomorrow..."

The principal gave us speech but no, I didn't even listen to it.  There's this seat by my left that was purposely remained unseated, with the name Diana on its tag.  She should've been here with me, wearing the attribute together, attending the graduation party together.  There's a lot of 'should have been's in my dictionary today because that's how it supposed to be.

"In the honor of one of your best students, Diana Grande, we have formed together again, only for today.  You know, she said we should keep going.  We should keep practicing the choir, even if when she left..."  The current choir chief opened the session.

"Dee, this is for you..."  I held the seat beside me, just pretending to hold her hand, then joined the choir on the stage.

"After you."  One of the choir members whispered me.

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