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I heard Ariana's voice from downstairs.  She's making breakfast.  I have woken up since half an hour ago but too lazy to come out.  I still can't stop thinking of what Ariana told me last night.  Well maybe I should start to feel the happiness of her and Connor.  I'm the supporter, remember?

"Hmm..."  I groaned when she came inside my room.

"Wake up sissy, breakfast time."  She rolled my blanket.  Soon I was shivering.  My room is always cold.

"Okay."  I rubbed my eyes.  "Whoa, you look stunning at this very 7 am.  Where you going?"

"Recording in Vegas baby."  She smiled.

"Shoot!"  I jumped all the way to the bathroom, showered quickly.  "Vegas at what time?"

"8.30 I guess, but you can stay if you want to."  Ariana answered me.

"Excuse me?"  I popped my head from the bathroom to talk to her.

"Yeah...  Um...  I've asked Connor to join me, because I think you're still too weak.  I don't want anything else bad happen to you.  One freaking time is enough."  She smiled.

"I mean..."  I stuttered.  She replaced me with Connor.  Then what, she's gonnna marry him in the afternoon or something?

"I know baby.  I'm sorry.  Vegas can't wait.  I've ditched my recording time so the team decides to bring me along to Vegas.  Recording and video shooting."  Ariana relieved a heavy breathe.

"That's...great!  Great plan!  At least you can have a quality time with Connor!"  I made a hair bun and put some light make-up on my face.

"Well, yeah, I think we will."  She looked crazily happy.

"So stoked for you."  I hugged her tightly.

"Thank you sweetheart."  She rubbed my arms, we're looking at the same direction in the mirror.  "Well, Mom and Dad will be home tomorrow.  They called this morning."

"Whoa, why so fast?"  I turned around.

"I have no idea.  Maybe everythiing goes well and they're missing home."  Ariana laughed.

"True."  I rolled my eyes.

"Uhm...have you...uh, think of what I told you last night?"  She asked me really fastly, I barely heard her.

"What?"  I chuckled.  Awkward.

"Haha...  Never mind.  Nothing."  She shook her head.  "Come on, my masterpiece will be broken in a minute."  Ariana pulled my hand so we went downstairs.

"What are you making?"  I smelled the kitchen.

"Brownies!  And keeping some others to Mommy McDonough."  She took the meal box then put it beside her bag.  Nice.  Brownies.  I'll be collapse in a short time.  Thanks to Celiac.

"Something's going on right here..."  I smirked.  "How are they, liking you?"

"The parents McDonough are awesome.  They remind me of Mom and Dad.  We had a great dinner few days ago and I promised them to cook something as return."

"Oh..."  I ate my first bite of brownies.  I just died inside.

"How are you seeing me with Connor, sis?"  She took a seat in front of me, spoke right to my eyes.

"Hmm?"  I drank my water.  "You too are great together!  It's like a dream couple, you know.  And I also read some comments on websites, heard some others on radio, people are liking you too!"

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