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"You wanna call Ariana now?"  Riley threw himself to my bed as we finished the breakfast.

"i think so."  I took my phone from Riley's pocket.  "Ariana..."

"Dialing?"  Riley sit back again.

"Yes."  I nodded.  "Ari?  Hey it's me Tanya."

"Oh hey Tanya.  How you doing?"  Ariana answered me from across the phone, wherever she was.

"I'm...good.  Where are you now?"  I went straight asking.

"I'm headed home.  Why?"  She asked back.

"Where can I see you?  I mean soon as possible."  I bit my nails.

"Should we do it now?  I'm kinda tired, love."  Ariana's excuse made me beyond upset.

"We should.  Come on, you just got back from where, LA?  It wasn't far.  I only need 5 minutes, that's all."  I insisted.

"Hey what happened to you?  Why so bother to check on me?"  She rushed the words.

"I just need to meet you.  It's a matter of now time.  Name the time and place, Ari.  I'm headed there."  I snapped my fingers repeatedly.

"Alright.  My house, in 15 minutes."  I knew she's confused but there's a lot to explain and we didn't have time.

"I'll be outside in 10."  I hung up the phone without letting her complain again.  "Let's go babe."

"She's okay with that?"  Riley took his car key.

"She should.  She should face the world."  I swept my tears away and walked downstairs by pulling Riley's hand.

"Hey where you going?"  Toby stood up once he saw us.

"Diana's house."  I answered fast.  "It's okay you can stay longer Tobs.  Here's my car key.  Take Aireen back to the house."

"Wait what?"  Aireen stopped washing the dishes.

"It's okay love, you'll stay with Toby 'til Riley and I come back."  I hugged her.

"Are you...okay?  To meet Ariana?"  She asked slowly.

"I gotta be."  I smiled.  "Take care.  Take care, Tobes."

"Give it to me."  Toby nodded.

"Drive safely bro."  Riley side-hugged Toby then walked with me to the carpark.

We drove out by Riley's car, straight to Ariana's house.  I gotta make sure I'm okay because this will be my first time again coming back to that house.  Half of Diana's life was remain still.  I was ready, or not ready at all, to smell her perfume again in that room.

"You'll be fine."  Riley intertwined my fingers.

"I will."  I nodded.  "Lately I got this vibes just like what she did to me always, you know."

"She's around us.  It's just the body which was gone, but not her."  Riley smiled back.  "Alright, here we go."

"You wanna go out or...?"  I opened the door.

"No, I'm coming with you."  He closed my door and we walked together to the front door.

I studied the main garden of this house carefully.  That's exactly where I was pulling up a tend on Christmas 6 years ago.  We had a barbie house and played together inside.  Just so happy and innocent.

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