Chubby Thomas Sanders x reader part 1

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"One ticket to see infinity war" you say to the cashier as you pulled out some money from your pocket.

"Anything else, popcorn? Drink?" the man behind the counter replied in the most monotone voice you ever heard.

"Large popcorn please"

"That be $18.00" giving the man the correct change he'd told you the film will be screening in room 2 down the left hallway. Thanking the man you headed down the left hallway easily finding the doors with 2 written on them, entering the dimly lit room you noticed it was quite packed looking around you saw 2 empty seats at the back. Walking up the steps you carefully watch where you placing your feet not wanting to trip over and spill your popcorn everywhere, plonking your rear onto the aisle seat letting out a soft exhale you start to relax as trailers plays before the actual movie.

"Excuse me" looking to the side you saw a man in his 20's with brown hair, black shirt covering his massive dome of a stomach and blue jeans.

"Is this seat taken?" the man pointed to the seat next to you, shaking your head you brought your knees up so your feet were resting on the seat giving the brown hair stranger more room to pass. The man gave you a smile as he turned sideways he shuffled past you his round plumpish belly brushing up against your legs, as the stranger sat down the seat creaked ominously from the sudden weight.

The lights fully turned off signalling the movie was about to begin. All around you, you could feel/see the energy the excitement of several people in the room including the cutie next to you. Several minutes went by as the film mesmerized you, a sudden loud sonorous growl caught your attention looking to the right you noticed it came from the stranger or more specifically his stomach who blushed when he saw you looking at him. Glancing at the popcorn you knew you might not eat it all but why should you share it with a stranger but you couldn't just sit there and let him starve and your parents taught you "sharing is caring" placing the popcorn on the armrest between you and the man you tapped the stranger on the arm.

"Help yourself mister..."

"Thomas and thanks..."

"(y/n)" giving each other a smile you both refocused on the film. As the film carried on you and Thomas quietly swapped jokes making each other and few other people around you laugh while munching on the popcorn actually you only had about 3 handfuls whilst Thomas gobbled the food like he hadn't eaten any food in days. When the film finished both of you sat in silence with your mouths hung open in shock, standing up you stretch making your back crack as you about to head out a pressure around your wrist stopped you from going. Glancing over your shoulder you saw it was Thomas who had his hand wrapped around your wrist with a sort of a shy/embarrassed look on his face.

"Could I maybe.. Get your number so we can hang out" Thomas rubbed his neck as he spoke.

"Yeah sure." You told Thomas your number as he typed it into his phone. Getting as close as you can you gave him a hug your body pressing against his soft plush body.

"Text me anytime Thomas." You said as you walked out of the room leaving Thomas behind smiling like an idiot.

Chubby Youtubers/Ego's OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now