Robbie Meets Santa(Chubby Anti)

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A/n: A Christmas oneshot Yay! Didn't know how to end this but enjoy the fluffiness 


Chase sat next to the window his hot breath hitting the glass steaming it up making it much harder for the dad to look outside one hand that was wrapped around his warm cup of coffee reached up touching the freezing window and wiped away leaving his hand a bit cold. Dark angry grey clouds filled the skies letting loose a hail of marshmallow white snowflakes that fluttered slowly and heavily towards the ground, taking a long sip from his mug Chase let out a quiet sigh his blue eyes wondered around the living room seeing tinsel decorating the light green walls, a seven foot tall Christmas tree in the corner of the room surrounded by mountain size pile of gifts for different egos. A chuckle left Chase's lips seeing several gifts wrapped messily in toilet paper he knew immediately it was Anti that wrapped those gifts as he was too lazy to get proper wrapping, movement caught his eye as he turned slightly seeing the purple hair zombie laying down on his stomach a pencil in hand as he draws something on paper his tongue poking out from his mouth.

"Robster my dude! Are you looking forward to your first Christmas?" Chase asked softly opening his mouth to take a massive gulp of warm coffee but pouted when he realized it was empty and forced to play the mug down on the floor. Looking up in surprise Robbie gave a wide smile letting out series of happy gurgles nodding his head slowly the movement causing his purple hair to flap up and down slightly.

"Yeah dad! Jackie told me about Santa... That if you good you get anything you want, Santa very nice... Am I good Dad?" Robbie said talking very quickly which was a clear sign that he was extremely hyper looking forward to it and it took a few seconds for Chase to understand what the ego said.

"Of course Robbie! If anyone that deserves presents it will be you dude. You been exceptionally good from keeping your room tidy, helping me to bake cookies while making sure Henrik doesn't steal any and learning sign language so that JJ doesn't feel lonely" Chase said listing some of the things from his head seeing Robbie's smile stretching impossibly wide as he crawls over to him giving him a soft hug hiding his pale face in Chase's lean stomach.

"Thank you... I want to meet Santa.. To thank him for giving me a wonder family and ask him.. In person... to do me something. But Santa too busy not enough time for me" Robbie told Chase sadly his milky white eyes filling with tears that instantly broke Chase's heart into a million pieces he never wants to see Robbie upset. Combing his fingers through the soft purple locks that always relaxes Robbie, the dad's eyes lit up with a brilliant idea to make Robbie's first Christmas the happiest, fun day for the zombie.

'I need a volunteer to be Santa and gotta look the part for real, I'm sure Marvin can help me with that part... And I know the perfect candidate to play Santa, Anti will help but would take some damn convincing but it be worth it to see Robbie smile'

"You never know Robster! Santa loves to surprise people; he might visit you" Chase grinned determined to make his plan work. Looking up with hope shining in his white eyes Robbie gave a soft weak nod nuzzling his face against the soft material of the man's hoodie.

"You really think Santa... will visit me?"

"I know Santa will see ya, I make sure that happens for you. Son"

(Flashback over)

That memory was still fresh inside Chase's mind as he replayed it over and over several times, he wanted to make Robbie's first Christmas a special one. A week has passed since that conversation Chase immediately went to Marvin one of his close friends and talked about his plan on involving Anti to be Santa and asked him to make a special potion to make the demon look the part, Marvin was ecstatic mainly due to wanting to see Anti lose his slim physique but also to see Robbie happy.

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