Chubby JJ x Anti

639 11 13

A/n: this was requested to be brought back by robbiefang

Anti is a lot of things, he's a murderous demon who has a feti-a weird fascination with knifes who is driven with pure intention of causing pain and misery for everyone around him. He may not be the smartest ego like Marvin or Henrik but the demon is pretty observant of his surrounding environments and the other egos and he picked up one thing that surprisingly worried him was the fact JJ frequently forgot to eat, every day the glitchy demon watched on from a far from lightbulbs on the ceiling, the coffeemaker in the kitchen to the TV in the living room and every day that went by Anti's concern for the mute man increased seeing the usual attire that should fit the male perfectly started to become baggier hanging loosely on JJ's skinny frame.

One rare quiet night in the septic household the old, polished grandfather clock struck directly at midnight letting out a loud noisy ding sound that rang out throughout the silent house where most occupants currently sleeping peacefully. The light to the kitchen flickered on revealing a white clean room and a tired disheveled JJ with sickly skin and bags underneath his eyes that looked like the man could drop to the floor at any moment, a silent soundless yawn left the man's lips as he ambled across the cold, tiled floor his sockless feet creating a small pitter patter sound that filled the air as JJ opened the cupboard grabbing a clean glass and turning the sink on filling the glass with cool water. The light flickered above the ego who didn't pay attention who shut off the sink and took a long gulp as he chugged down the water satisfying his raw, dry throat, green pixels surrounded the light bulb before Anti popped out of it as he dropped to the ground with a heavy thump causing JJ to panic and drop the glass on the counter thankfully not breaking it as he swiftly turned around.

"Oh Anti it's you, don't scare me like that" JJ signed with his hands before placing a hand over his chest. Anti didn't say anything just narrowing his eyes at the slightly smaller ego and took slow, calculated steps like an animal stalking its prey into a corner before pouncing. JJ gulped nervously watching the demon coming closer and closer to him his hands started to shake and the ego felt trapped and honestly thought this is where Anti would've killed him, stopping in front of the mute male Anti's stern angry face contorted into a worried look which made JJ frown slightly.

"Why...aren't you eating JJ?" Anti's glitchy voice rung out in the quiet kitchen placing his hands on the smaller man's shoulders causing JJ to flinch slightly and making the demon taking a step back and letting go.

"I-I am Anti...not a lot but It's just...I don't know how to use technology in this time. Everything is so confusing to me" JJ confessed his hands moving quicker and quicker all the while they shook quite a bit. Again silence filled the room neither men breaking it as they both stared at each other JJ with fear and anxiety shining in his brown eyes while Anti stared down at him with worry, care and something else that shocked the mute ego and the next thing Anti said completely made JJ start to see the demon in a new light.

" you want to eat Jamie?" Anti asked no glitchy or distorted voice filled the air just a plain thick Irish accent that sounded so genuinely worried that made JJ eyes widened in surprise and for some reason caused his heart to speed up and light red hue coated the man's cheeks.

"Could I have Pancakes with blueberry syrup and bacon please?" JJ sighed slowly feeling less scared around the demon which obviously was clear by his hands stopped shaking.

"Of course Jamie coming rig-" Anti started to say but a loud growl interrupted emanated from JJ's empty, hollow stomach causing the owner's blush to deepen and spread to the tips of his ears as he pressed a hand against his light brown very loose pajamas top that acted like a dress.

"Relax and sit down in the living room Jamie, I shall bring this to you" Anti chuckled lightly ruffling JJ's soft, brown hair before turning around to start on the ego's very early breakfast. JJ clapped his hands before turning around and walked away out of the kitchen to the very dark living room, turning a lamp on that sat on the table next to the couch lighting up the living room JJ sat down and waited patiently sometimes playing with his mustache. 30 minutes of clinging sounds, Anti swearing and delicious scent wafting through the air the demon walked in with his head held high with pride holding a plate stacked with many pancakes covered in blueberry syrup with a bacon on the side.

"I hope you hungry Jamie" Anti exclaimed walking around the corner to see JJ's face brighten up with a smile appearing on the shorter male's face. The mute male expected the demon to give him the plate of food and leave him alone but didn't predict the other glitchy ego to plonk his ass onto his lap and grinned nervously.

'What the hell am I doing?' Anti thought feeling his cheeks burn coating in a deep green color as he cut a massive piece of pancake and stuffed it directly into the man's mouths. Surprised by the action JJ ate the piece mindlessly before another piece of pancake got shoved into his gob, Anti watched with a smile on his face as he kept on feeding the shorter skinny male who seemed to be enjoying this. After several minutes of feeding the whole plate was cleaned and JJ head leaned back on the couch as the man burped, putting the plate to the side Anti used his hands to rub JJ'S small bloated belly that was still hidden underneath the baggy t-shirt.

"I promise you JJ I will look after you, teach you everything about technology and not harm you" Anti stated honestly suddenly feeling this overwhelming need to protect JJ from the world and make sure no one will hurt him.

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