HC: The Cartoon Demon

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A/n: Wanted to end this book with something different and funny/sad at the same time... Here you go

. In life there are certain things set in stone that all humans follow like if a tank landed on a human... Definitely that human would be dead.
. The laws of physics apply to every single being on Earth! Well most beings.
. Demon's on the other hand don't follow any of that at all, they are immortal supernatural beings that embarrassingly follow the Cartoon physics which basically let's them survive in any situation.
. But deep in a busy city called Brighton A green haired demon was unaware of his cartoonish nature living his normal... Not so normal life with his fellow egos.
. But that would quickly change for Anti who would learn the humiliating way of his own kinds cartoonish living.
. It was the middle of summer and Sean was headed out for LA to meet up with some of his friends and record some videos! It was decided Anti would come since he can hide in Sean's phone but also to meet another demon for the first time.. Dark.
. Anti reluctantly glitched inside of the stupid human's phone feeling cramped and claustrophobic while Sean gave a stern lecture to the egos about rules and not setting anymore underwear on fire and gave Robbie a sweet hug before leaving.
. Many fans believe Anti wasn't a crazy, knife fetish weirdo that loves to hurt people... No.. In fact he was incredibly shy, quiet and friendly once you get to know him.
. It took 7 months 14 days 2 hours and 17 seconds for Anti to open up to the Septic's and become friends with them.
. The first day there Sean forced Anti to come out with him to meet a good friend of his who also had a demon counter part.
. Anti struggled to say anything he'd refused to talk or even look at the menacingly muscular suit demon who seemed to be sizing him up and down.
. But surprisingly Dark was nice and welcoming which made Anti feel safe and comfortable who gradually opened up.
. After a few hours they went out for a walk in a nearby small woods where if Anti looked closely he would have noticed the sly smirk on Dark's face who had a mischievous, embarrassing plan for the shy demon.
. Dark kindly offered a small piece of bubblegum which Anti happily accepted without a second thought trusting the other demon.
. It only took one bite for the gum to work and already Dark could see Anti's tight black shirt becoming tighter for a different reason as his stomach gurgled loudly as it expanded with juice his stomach bulging giving the appearance of Anti looked pregnant.
. Dark continued to talk as a distraction while glancing at him seeing the man's stomach quickly poking out from underneath the shirt as other parts of him started to follow.
. But quiet quickly Anti noticed something was wrong as he felt heavier, sluggish and that it felt like his stomach was swaying a bit when he'd walked.
. Looking down Anti screamed in fear his body replaced by a much inflated chubbier version of himself as he gasped seeing that he was still inflating.
. "We extraordinary Anti.. We don't follow the normal rules of humans... You could say we live by cartoon logic.. And I'm gonna show you" Dark said laughing finding this funny as he watches the other demon expanding in all directions.
. Anti wobbled on the spot tears rolling down his round cheeks as his clothes start to tear as his body looked more and more spherical by the second.
. His clothes soon ripped to shreds and his feet left the floor as his inflated hand and feet got pulled in his blueberry round body leaving him in a pair of stretched underwear.
. Dark chuckled giving Anti's body a good poke and push sending the blueberry demon rolling away into a tree and making loud sloshing noises.
. "I never want to be friends with a nice... Pathetic kind demon like you.. Stay away... Oh and good luck pissing all of that juice out" Dark spat out before teleporting away leaving Anti alone to moan and wiggle his plump fingers.
. Hours spend immobile and resting against a tree before the urge to pee grew until it became unbearable and Anti... Let it all out.
. At the end he was completely soaked in blueberry juice while holding his stretched underwear.
. Anti never told Sean or anybody what happened feeling too embarrassed as he stayed hidden inside Sean's phone for the rest of the trip but he did learn about his demonic... Cartoon heritage.
. When Sean arrived at home Anti immediately glitched to his room locking away from the world and his friends.
. Everyone was worried, they tried talking to him, luring him out with food and snacks... But nothing worked and Anti stayed in his room for a whole month.
. Next incident that happened was the first day Anti left his room deciding to be brave and told himself nothing like that would happen.
. He walked into the kitchen feeling a little hungry before letting out a short scream before the fridge magically floated and fell on top of him squashing him like a pancake on the floor.
. Clumsy Marvin must have failed one of his spells.
. The loud crashing sound alerted the nearest ego who was Jackie who easily placed the fridge back up but let out a girly scream seeing a 2D flattened version of Anti on the floor his eyes moving side to side.
. "Anti? How... Is this possible.. Wait I seen this in a cartoon.." Jackie left but came back with a bike pump in hand and inserted the nozzle into the demon's mouth.
. Jackie pumped sending bulges of air along the tube into Anti's body, more and more air filled Anti as slowly his feet popped out regaining feeling in them as it worked up.
. In mere 60 seconds Anti popped off of the air and jumped onto his feet regaining his normal 3D body back and pulled the nozzle out.
. Anti felt embarrassed and cried into Jackie's chest spilling eveything out about what Dark said and what the other demon did to him.
. Jackie truly felt pissed off hearing Dark leaving the shy demon immobile in the woods and embarrassed him like that.
. Jackie focused comforting Anti as much as possible reassuring him that there's nothing to be embarrassed about before saying they need to tell the others about what happened.
. Anti didn't want to but Jackie promised he would talk for him and he'd accepted.
. An emergency meeting was set as everyone sat around the living room, Anti was on Jackie's lap silenty crying and shaking while the hero retold the story to everyone.
. No one wanted to believe it.. How could Dark leave Anti in a vulnerable position like that and humiliating him..
. Sean straight up phoned Mark and with a fury of a mother hen he'd started to cuss and swear at the American who was absolutely stunned and lost.
. Poor Mark doesn't even know what happened and had to face Sean's wrath.
. Everyone else comforted Anti telling him this doesn't change anything they love him no matter what...
. It took tike but zoom Anti was back to his normal self.. And even started to see a silver lining about this weird... Cartoon logic as he used it a few times as occasionally inflated himself into a large ball for the egos to play volleyball, he trusts them with all of his heart.
. Especially he seen photos of how the Septic egos got revenge seeing an overinflated Dark parade blimb floating in the sky of LA and couldn't help but chuckle.
. 'I have the best family in the world' Anti thought knowing they will always have his back.

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