Chubby Dark x Wilford: The Witches Curse

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A/n: I'm re-uploading this one cause I'm quite proud of this 

'That's right inadequate, puny, stupid humans. Move out of the way and fear me I'm better than all of you combined' Dark thought smugly as he gave a cocky smirk for everyone on the street can see. The demon moved down the busy street with slow, confident steps as people moved out of the way not wanting to anger this arrogant, supercilious person in a dark black suit with a cane his suit clinging tightly to his well-built, sturdy body outlining his perfect godlike body which made the ego more overconfident and cocky in his power. A beautiful clear day it was as no dark clouds covered the ocean blue sky the brightly orange sun shined warmly over the busy streets of LA causing swarms of people to rush out to enjoy the heat.

"Watch it pipsqueak or I shove you into oncoming traffic" Dark growled out his eyes narrowing menacingly at the poor unsuspected teenager who blushed beet red before squeaking out an apology before running off into the ocean of people. Chuckling in amusement Dark continued to walk down the street unaware of a set of eyes that looked at him with anger and vengeance as the person silently followed the demon watching and waiting for the right moment. With the mixture of cars zooming past and the swarm of people everywhere talking the ego couldn't hear the tiny pitter patter of footsteps following him or the quiet mumbles of threats spilling out of the person's mouth but he did sense a familiar aura following him close behind like 3 steps behind. Turning into a dirty, dark alleyway Dark quickly reached out grabbing the person's arm that was following him and pulled them into the alleyway causing the unknown stalker to let out a squeak sound before the ego shoved them into the wall and Dark slammed his big hands on the wall trapping the person in between his arms.

"Hello, Hello Dark long time no see...pal" the unknown person spoke up with a fake friendly tone of voice which the ego didn't pick up on since he was distracted by the recognizable voice he heard from the past.

"Daniel? What a weakling witch like you following me?" Dark said insulting the younger male which apparently chuckled at the demon's response and patted the ego's muscular arms that is trapping him against the brick wall.

"Can't I say hello and talk to an old friend" Daniel replied using all of his willpower to restrain himself from kicking the arrogant demon in the puny privates as a memory flashes through his mind recalling how Dark hurt him.

"Why would I be friends with a pathetic, useless witch like you" Dark insulted the witch as he took two steps back his black eyes looking up and down at the male in front of him sizing him up seeing the man wearing black jeans that hug his lower half, black T-shirt, a purple leather jacket that is unzipped and dark green glasses sat on top of the witch's nose.

"Oh my gosh you called me a witch...You see me as a witch? YAY!" Daniel faked squealed doing a little dance by wiggling his ass and giggled seeing Dark rolling his eyes in boredom.

"The last time I saw you..-"

"You banged me so hard in the mattress that I passed out from exhaustion and in the morning, you left and never came back...Such a wonderful memory" Daniel finished the rest of the sentence keeping his tone light, happy and free from any anger he holds for the demon. Dark grinned recalling the memory inside his head and laughed imagining how heartbroken the male must've been waking up to an empty bed.

"Not sorry about that Daniel, I mean look at me" Dark smugly said flexing his beefy, muscular arms causing his suit sleeves to bulge tightly around his arms clearly showing off his muscles. Daniel's eyes narrowed and hardened for a second before returning to normal as his smile stretched wider as I idea formed in his head.

'So, Dark's most proud and cocky of his stunning body...let's see what happens when that is gone and replaced by something he's not expecting' Daniel thought wanting to teach this snobby demon a lesson about the world not revolving around him and to treat people better.

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