SepticEye Sam Mission

577 9 70

A/n: Finally finished this :P powerful in this and also is telepathic 

'Again Sean just sits in front of the monitor all day eating those disgusting healthy foods and ignore his friend like I don't exist...I want things go back to normal where Sean was chubby and eat freely what he wants' Sam thought sadly as the eyeball remembers the happy times before Youtube where Sean would talk to Sam for hours stuffing his face with many greasy foods, sugary pastries as his big, rotund gut rests comfortably on the man's lap as Sam sleeps on it. Sam watches from sitting high above on one of Sean's black shelves directly on the opposite wall of the computer worry shining in its eye seeing Sean hunched over groaning looking miserable and very skinny.

'This Sean is tired, stressed and sad...i want the old Sean back...I know I make Sean eat until he's back to his normal chubby self and be happy again' Sam thought bouncing up and down on the shelve happily his green tail wagging quickly. The eyeball jumped in the air flying around above Sean before heading straight down towards their stressed-out friend and hovered in front of the monitor blocking the monitor making the Irishman groan in annoyance as he couldn't see the screen.

"Sam! Can you move out of the way please? I'm incredibly busy" Sean said sounding exhausted. For the first time Sam could have a good luck at his friend's face seeing dark circles underneath his eyes, how sickly pale Sean was and looking down Sam let out a shocked squeak seeing the shirt that should fit perfectly was quite baggy on the youtuber.

"Sean I command you to eat and eat until I tell you to stop!" Sam instructed his iris glowing giving off a light lime colour. Sean's irritated, tensed look on his face slowly morphed into one of pure relaxation and lack of emotion as his normally blue eyes clouded over with a tint of green in them.

"Yes Sam" Sean replied his voice monotone pushing himself away from the desk the Irishman stood up and immediately headed for the door. Sam watched their tail wagging quickly seeing Sean walk out of the room and headed down the blue hallway towards the kitchen, squeaking Sam quickly followed flying through the air accidentally bouncing off a wall as he eagerly wanted to watch his friend eat.

Sean's body felt light as a feather as his mind was foggy the man could hardly think the only word ringing inside his head was 'Eat', the youtuber mindlessly opened up the cupboards grabbing many packets of cookies ripping them open and without hesitation he'd started shoving two cookies at a time in his mouth. Sam arrived in time to see the human already finished the first packet of cookies already shovelling more cookies into his gaping mouth his hands moving quickly looking very blurry to Sam as Sean simply stood in the kitchen practically inhaling the food.

'Sean gonna be happy again I know it' Sam thought bouncing up and down on the counter letting out some mouse like squeaks the eyeball's iris locked onto their friend's skinny stomach seeing it start to bloat outwards from all the sugary cookies Sean was gobbling down. Wanting to help the human Sam's iris began to glow green once more as the eyeball started to help digest the food faster in Sean's stomach making it less taut and softer giving the youtuber more room to eat.

"More Urp food" Sean burped out mindlessly finishing all of the packets of cookies already leaving him with a moderate plump, pudgy belly that was the size of a basketball his shirt clinging tightly to the round, soft sphere as small love handles formed and spilled over the waistband of his jeans. Walking over to the fridge the Irishman pulled it open his hands grabbing the huge plastic bottle of milk his fingers swiftly twisting the cap off, raising the bottle to his lips Sean started to chug down mouthfuls of the full bottle of milk as it rushed down in his stomach that Sam's magic immediately digested.

'Yay! Softer and softer Sean will get, he's my friend, he's my friend Sean will be chubby again and he will pop out of his clothes' Sam sung in their head letting out happy excited squeals their iris still glowing working the magic on the human. Sean continued to chug the milk nowhere near halfway his body started to plump up his stubble cheeks rounding out giving him two chubby cheeks and a very noticeable second chin, his lean arms widening replaced by two flabby bingo wings that wobble slightly, his pecs fattening tuning into two tennis ball size moobs that pushed against his shirt that already sat on top of his large, protruding blubbering paunch that pushed against the fridge heavily showing his happy trail around his belly button and a few stretchmarks littered on the side, the button on his jeans missing a few minutes ago as his stomach sagged over his crotch and his thighs swelled out beautifully popping some inner seams as well as his huge bubble butt ripped the seams in the middle of his jeans revealing the man's pale hairy butt.

Sam was extremely pleased by how chubby and doughy Sean currently is as he flew over to their friend lightly headbutting the Irishman's chunky butt squeaking happily before moving around and brushing his tail over the huge soft gut.

"You can stop eating and drinking now Sean" Sam instructed just as Sean finished the milk. Sean's eyes returned to their normal light colour blue as he multiple times blinked before letting out a massive belch sending his tubby body wobbling for a good 5 seconds, the youtuber yelped dropping the empty bottle seeing how truly huge and fat he got the man waddled around the kitchen feeling his body jiggle along and saw his belly bounced a lot as it blocked his view of his feet .

"Wha-what happened? I look like a fookin whale" Sean said pressing his hands into his doughy beerbelly and tried to push it back in only making his pudgy hands sink into the soft flesh. Sam flew straight to their friend's round chubby face and Sam's iris glowed again hypnotising the youtuber once again.

"You love being chubby Sean and you will remain chubby...Now go to bed and cuddle with me" Sam instructed happily as a smile stretched on Sean's face as he happily shook his belly before softly picking up Sam in his hands.

"I love being big and Soft...C'mon Sam let's cuddle in bed" Sean said hugging Sam close to his flabby chest as he slowly made his way to his bedroom. Sam now was happy again having his chubby friend back to cuddle with once again and Sam always made sure Sean stayed chubby forever.

The End

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