The Blueberry Demon

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A/n: Not my best oneshot but I hope it's okay

"Stupid Marvin... Just a prank GOSH! Someone needs to get laid... Magic for Morons" Anti grumbled unhappily his dark blue eyes narrowed while pouting like a child his thick meaty arms crossed over his bowling ball size plump moobs. The demon sat on the leather couch located in the living room, harsh light coming from the TV lightening up the darkened room Anti shifted slightly rolling his eyes as he heard the couch groan and looked down distastefully seeing his massive rotund hairy belly covering half of his lap while seeing two pairs of arms wrapped protectively around his middle. On his right was a snoring zombie his purple hair draped over his eyes as quite little snoring sounds could be heard from him, Robbie currently rested his head on top of the demon's paunch his hands occasionally squeezed Anti's round middle while wearing his adorable nightfury onesie thanks to Chase.

"How can one ego who's supposed to be a terrifying zombie be so damn cute.." Anti mumbled looking around the room making sure no one was looking before cracking a toothy smile as he lightly combed his pudgy fingers through Robbie's hair making him hum and cuddle further into the demon's belly. Glancing on his left the chubby ego smiled widened seeing his new boyfriend who has been nothing but a total sweetheart since they started dating, the man's hat rested on the armrest while his head rested on the plush chest his mouth latched around one of Anti's moobs and frequently sucked on it in his sleep.

"Fuckin weird Chase.. but that's what I love about you so much. You odd, weird, full of shitty dad jokes and yet you full of life, that smile can brighten up anyone's day and DAMN that bubble butt you have is hot as hell" Anti let out a soft chuckle wrapping an arm around the sleeping Chase's body keeping the man close to his warm body. Taking a slow steady deep breath Anti turned his head facing the TV once more watching Rick and Morty but his eyes are unfocused, looking distant as the ego finally had the chance to think back to the chaotic, yet wonderful event that led him to be this heavy, acquired the sweetest boyfriend and a clingy zombie who calls his beerbelly "Baboo"

(Flashback Two Days Earlier)

Heavy loud tapping sounds thudded on top of septic house rain barrage from the dark cloudy skies with a occasional flash of lightning across the sky, all the egos stayed inside the house even Jackie not wanting to be drenched from head to toe and possibly risking getting sick. Majority of the egos were off doing their own things to pass the time from JJ making puppets in his room, Henrik in the basement that smelt highly like coffee taking a chill day and catching up with paperwork that was piled high in the air that could rival the Eiffel tower while Chase, Jackie and Robbie were in the living room spending some quality time together. Everything in the septic house was peaceful, calm and-

"GAHH! ANTI WHAT THE CHICKEN NUGGET DID YOU DO TO MY MASK?" Marvin screeched in terror seeing his once white cat mask that he left on the bed for a minute to use the bathroom now turned a light pink cat slime creature that meowed loudly at the magician.

"Well you always wanted a cat and now I gave you one Marv! Plus why should you hide that pretty face of yours behind a mask" Anti said with a chuckle giving the distraught magician a cheeky flirtatious wink before leaving behind a thick green pixelated mist as the demon vanished from the ego's room.

"Don't touch my stuff ever again... pickle demon" Marvin heaved out in annoyance and anger feeling done with the demon's attitude and childish pranks he's been doing for years on end. Sitting on the bed Marvin reached up his white gloved fingers lightly brushed against the burn mark that covered the entire left side of his face and a heartbroken sob escaped him remembering the day a spell backfired and caused a massive fire effectively burning the left side of his face.

"I'm.. so hideous" Marvin breathed out slowly tears rolling down his face before flinching a bit as he saw the pink slime cat jumping onto his lap looking up at him letting out a quiet sad meow before licking his face repeatedly.

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