Chubby Darkiplier x Googleplier: Bubbles

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"Bubbles are fun, everyone going to love BUBBLES" Wilford silly accent vibrated across the meeting room. Today is the same old for the Iplier ego's every Monday have a meeting that lasts for 2 hours Wilford demanding about how Bubbles will help them achieve their goals which everyone can see that the pink hair male is joking but at the same time being completely serious. Meanwhile on the opposite side of the table Dark sat straight up perfect posture with his elbows on the squeaky-clean table his black eyes glaring menacingly harder every second the hyperactive trigger-happy maniac babbles on about bubbles.

'Bubble this, Bubble that. It's all Wilford talks about. Fuck bubbles they useless just like Host.'

'Bubbles, guns, murder and junk food are apparently the only things that idiot thinks/talks about, oh and he loves to taunt me about me becoming a fatass' Glancing around the room Dark saw every single ego looking bored out of their minds but still paying very little attention to Wilford. Taking his chance, the demon looked down a frown appearing on his blank neutral face seeing the huge gut like dome protruding outwards against his jacket making a very noticeable large bump his tubby abdomen sat on his lap, narrowing his eyes Dark's pudgy fingers that look like sausages skimmed the clothed surface of his belly and when his fingers brushed the two shiny black buttons they came undone revealing a very tight button up white shirt that the buttons looked ready to pop off at any moment with bits of tan soft flesh peeking out in between the gaps of the buttons.

"Stupid delicious food" Dark growled out quietly so not drawing any unwanted attention to his beach ball size stomach. Unknown to the demon ego a pair of cold robotic brown orbs glanced in his direction scanning the supernatural entity soft squishy dad bod smirking for a second before returning to its natural resting bitch face before looking back at Wilford.

"and did I mention about Bubbles?" Wilford asked earning a collective moans from everyone in the room, before the energetic pink hair man could continue to speak about bubbles once again Dark interrupted him.

"Wilford as much as I "Love" for you to talk about bubbles it's lunch time, the meeting is over. Same time next week everyone" Dark spoke up as majority of the egos gave out a sigh of relief before heading out of the meeting room with Wilford flicking the pink straps of his suspenders.

"Eric could I talk to you for a moment?" Dark asked watching as the last ego stopped at the door and nervously turned around his favorite handkerchief twisting in his hands as a nervous habit.

"How is everyone treating you so far here?" the demon questioned turning his chair slightly to that he was directly facing Eric who was wobbling slowly towards his boss on his crappy slowly breaking prosthetic legs.

"E-everthing is g-great sir, everyone is s-s-super nice to me" Eric stuttered out when he stood two short steps away from his boss. Nodding his head Dark gave a short genuine smile that usually reserved for Wilford and Eric, Dark eyebrows furrowed seeing the shy nervous boi wobble on the spot and his dark black eyes zoned on in on the ego's prosthetic legs.

"Are your legs malfunctioning or falling apart Eric?"

"Y-yes s-sir" Eric shyly looked down with his cheeks blossoming in redness.

"I let Google know so that he can build you new better ones for you" Silence filled the room for a couple of seconds before Eric nearly flew straight at Dark hiding his face in the demon's chubby chest as he cried happily while saying thank you over and over. Grunting with the added pressure Dark looked down in alarm with wide eyes not knowing what to do in this situation but he slowly wrapped his meaty thick arms around the shaking male hugging him tightly, for 5 minutes they stayed like that before Eric calmed down and pulled away wiping away the tears with his yellow handkerchief.

"T-thank you dad" Eric mistakenly said his eyes widening in horror and before he could utter an apology the demon rose his hand in the air which immediately made Eric freeze on the spot.

"I'm glad that you see me as your father figure Eric, thank you...son and go enjoy your lunch break" Smiling brightly Eric nodded and wobbled out of the meeting room leaving Dark all alone in the room. Leaning back in his comfy leather brown chair Dark closed his eyes enjoying the quietness of the once loud, noisy room that always caused the demon to have headaches, the only sound that could be heard was the occasional creak from the chair the ego was sitting and the buttons straining to hold in the demon's wide blubber belly.

"My sensors indicate that you are stressed Dark, do you want protocol 275 FEAST to be activated" A robotic emotionless voice piped up from the entryway of the meeting room.

'Google' Dark thought tensing his shoulders and opening his eyes seeing the robot ego standing in front of him his cold brown eyes staring down at him holding a mischievous glint in them.

"Protocol 275 FEAST? Don't activ-" Dark started to say but the other ego spoke up cutting off the demon's speech.

"Protocol 275 has been initiated, Target Darkiplier commencing the sequence" Google's eyes glowed red as well as the normally white glow of the G on his blue shirt shifted color to a deep dark red and before the demon could blink or move a plate appeared in Google's hand holding a large piece of chocolate cake with cream and jam on the inside.

"Google deacti-" Dark tried to demand his voice deep and angry but Google used this as his chance to shove a huge piece of cake he cut off and shoving it into the demon's mouth. Startled by the action Dark chewed quickly then swallowing, again opening his mouth to demand Google to stop but like before the robot shoved another big piece of cake into the ego's mouth effectively silencing him. A minute later the large piece of cake disappeared into Dark's massive beerbelly that bloated an inch forward pulling the buttons even further, secretly the supernatural entity liked the feeding part but not the part where he felt powerless.

'Thank Satan's burning butthole that whatever this is, is over' Dark thought but a shiver ran down his spine hearing Google monotone sinister laughter as the robot stared down at him with a scowl plastered on his face.

"1 slice gone nine to go" Google's voice glitched menacingly and the demon's eyes widened in horror seeing another large slice of cake on the same plate. Dark did his best and struggled closing his mouth not accepting the sugary treat but that caused the robot to simply miss and get some icing smeared around his lips and Google pinched Dark's nose until the ego was forced to open his mouth to breath, setting a steady speed the second, third, fourth and fifth slice disappeared just as quickly as the first. The sixth slice caused the button on the roundest part on Dark's ever bloating plump belly to pop off revealing the demon's deep bellybutton. Seven, eight and nine got devoured slower as Dark started to reach his limits his stomach was rock solid and not even Google's constant slapping to it made it wobble the action causing the demon to burp loudly, the last slice was the holy grail of slices as the last piece was gone forever the bottom button on Dark's dress shirt and pants button popped off simultaneously the ego's rotund hard gut pushed the zipper down halfway.

"You-Piece-Of-Useless-scrape-of-metal" Dark said in-between shallow breaths his round chubby cheeks red from exhaustion.

"Protocol 275 is complete" Google said turning around and started to walk off leaving Dark behind stuffed and unable to move but the robot paused at the doorway and turned his head around so that Dark could see the smirk on Google's face.

"Wilford said never to interrupt his speech about bubbles ever again or things will be much worse next time around "Google stated and walked off going straight to Wilford to show him the recording the robot recorded the whole thing to Wilford who will definitely be delighted and post it on Youtube, Dark learned a valuable lesson that day never mess with Wilford and his Bubbles but he swore he get revenge on the pink hair male and the robot.

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