Some Chubby Wolf Dark/w Iplier Egos

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A/n: I'm struggling to write at the moment so I'm writing these little headcanons. Hope you all don't mind

. All the Iplier's know that Dark can transform into a wolf but no one teasing the demon knowing that Dark would bite off their d*cks.
. No one dares to even touch or go near Dark when he's in his wolf form.
. Except for Wilford and Eric, Dark tolerates them and allows them some back rubs.
. Very big, muscular wolf. His ears, muzzle, paws and the tip of his tail are a deep dark blood red colour while the rest of him is black.
. At first Dark's form is very rigid, strong looking and overall some egos thought Dark looked like a werewolf.
. But Wilford being.... Wilford absolutely loves Wolf Dark and took upon himself to feed Dark... Alot of food.
. Dark has no control when foods placed in front of him and devours anything in sight even if he's already full.
. Doesnt take more than a month before the muscular wolf becomes quite chubby as all muscles vanish underneath several inches of fat. Dark's cheeks round out giving him two squishy cheeks with a second chin, his flat toned stomach disappeared replaced by a large, bulging tubby belly that hangs low nearly touching the floor.
. Everyone starting to tease Dark about his new weight and being a soft wolf causing Dark to growl in warning.
. All egos knowing if Dark is about to attack them, they simply place food on the floor and immediately the wolf calms down.
. Imagine Wilford somehow got a bright pink collar covered in glitters around Dark's fluffy thick neck making Dark a very angry Wolf but Wilford making Dark tons of food as a treat for wearing it.
. Imagine Wolf Dark sneaking into Eric's room at night and snuggling into the man's body wanting to make sure Eric has no nightmares and protect him.
. Dark also helping Eric calming down from a panic attack as he places his wet nose against Eric's neck and whines as he hugs the man.
. Google insulting Dark too far and no longer having a small robotic d*ck because the demon used his sharp teeth to rip it off.
. Dark not letting many people rub his plush, pudgy belly because it puts him in a vulnerable position but he trusts Eric, Wilford and Bing enough to let them give his gut a good rub.
. Imagine once Dark transforms back into his normal form for the first time in several months, the demon straight away pops out of his clothes leaving many tiny sharps of cloths on the floor around his feet.
. Dark being totally naked and embarrassed glad that no one sees that but to Wilford's happy surprise he caught that on camera and immediately puts it on YouTube.
. Dark is gobsmacked someone recorded it and put it on YouTube that already 1.5 million people seen it and the demon quickly hides away in embarrassment.

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