HC: Jack And The Tiny Chubby Septic's

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A/n: I could have written more but I decided to leave the ending open and hopeful

. Anti, Henrik, JJ.. Jack loves acting, portraying his egos. Loves coming up with many new ideas for them and with the help with Robin they turn out great.
. Even the community loves them just as much as Jack does even creating one up, Robbie which made him feel happy that the community loves what he's doing.
. But the Youtuber knows that they are just fictional... Not real at all.
. His surprise shock face when one morning he stumbles into the kitchen to see tiny versions of himself seemingly arguing about something.
. Naturally Jack first reaction is to curse loudly.
. "Fookin hell.. What.. How.. Who.. How is this possible?" Jack said his brain obviously can't handle this situation.
. After hours of talking and mainly threats from Anti which Jack couldn't take seriously they all soon get to know each other.
. From Marvin's theory he guessed that since many people loved them so much that it brought them to life but not enough since they were the size of Jack's pinkie.
. Two things that stood out for the Youtuber, first thing that the egos acted like he did when he pretended he was them and secondly they looked less muscular and more chubbier and rounder.
. All the egos being different sizes as Jackie and Henrik being the biggest egos as the hero's red costume stretched tightly over his doughy, plump body and his zipper groaned each time the male breathed in and Henrik's sweater being too small showing several inches of soft, tubby hairy gut.
. What worried Jack the most was the fact that Anti was the only one that looked unhealthily skinny looking like a gentle breeze could knock him down.
. Jack doing his best to make the egos feel welcome and comfortable at his home.
. He's not the best constructing or making furnitures but Jack did his best, looking up at videos on YouTube and making tiny stairs around the house for the egos easily to move around.
. Most egos quickly adapting to being alive and their new surrounding while happily trusting the tall human.
. However Anti was highly on guard and untrusting of Jack, making sure the human never came close to him and always giving away his share if food to one of the egos mainly JJ or Robbie.
. Jack feeling sorry for the demon wanting to help him as much as possible but couldn't come close in fear of getting his finger pricked by a small tiny knife.
. Very protective caring Anti
. Anti never admitting but he loves the egos seeing them as his only family and would sacrifice himself to keep them safe.
. The sole reason Anti is different in weight is due to how much love the community has, the more love... The larger and softer the ego is... And poor Anti hasn't got much love since he's the bad guy.
. Weeks went by as Jack worked hard from recording, making his house safe friendly for the tiny versions of himself to earning Anti's trust.
. Slowly but surely Anti started to trust the human eating the small foods Jack made, talking to Jack without threatening him and occasionally letting the youtuber pick him up.
. Anti still being himself frequently cursing and playing with his knife but having a soft side towards them all giving them hugs and constantly nap on their soft, chubby belly.
. But no matter what.. The love, support and affection from Jack and the egos... Anti still felt like a monster.. A black toxic goo that destroys anything good.
. One day... They didn't see coming... A warm sunny day where everything should be happy but it was complete opposite as no one seen or heard from Anti.
. When they did find Anti... He was no longer breathing..
. The world was much darker place without Anti... He was the glue keeping the egos together.. He was the one that made up stories reading Robbie to sleep, he'd always joked with Chase, played pranks on Jackie...
. They never told him how much they loved him...
. But who knows? Maybe one day the community love for Anti might bring him back, it won't be the same Anti... No memories but it will be a new beginning to show this Anti love.

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