HC: Teamiplier Helping Insecure Chubby Ethan

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. Mark and Tyler know how insecure Ethan was about his acne when they went overboard with the teasing that left the poor blue boi sobbing and running off into his room and locked himself in there for days.
. They truly felt sorry and apologised profusely and even now they don't want to cause him to feel more insecure now when they see the changes Ethan's body is going through.
. Ethan has been highly stressed for months from issues with his apartment, recording videos for his channel and his acne still not disappearing.
. Ethan couldn't do any gymnastics anymore from the constant work load as he stays sitting in front of his computer and mindlessly eats whatever he can.
. Now his shirts don't hide or cover his big, pudgy beerbelly that pokes out constantly showing the male's belly button and his jeans on their Last life struggling to contain his plush waist and plump bubble butt.
. Mark and Tyler staying silent about Ethan's weight gain but they be more affectionate and supportive of the younger male.
. Mark always saying how handsome Ethan is and commenting he will make one lucky gal or guy (Mark winks when he says that) super happy.
. Tyler leaving post it notes around with inspiration quotes for Ethan to read which makes him feel motivated for the day.
. Ethan being clueless and oblivious about his weight gain for a very long time.
. Over protective Mark and Tyler.
. Both tall men glaring at anyone who even remotely looks at Ethan wrong + both being muscular scares everyone.
. Both men helping with Ethan's work and taking some of the stress away as Mark helps edits his videos while Tyler forces Ethan to watch some TV (Ethan's favourite movie) and have a junk food night.
. Mark being the enabler and whatever Ethan shyly asks for the buff American gets straight away.
. Thanks to Mark, Ethan kinda eats way more and gains enough weight that he pops all of his jeans button forcing him to wear some tight sweatpants, his plush ass getting stuck in chairs and his large, blubbering gut knocking things over.
. Ethan constantly overeating because surprisingly Tyler cooks for at least 5 people.
. Ethan whining and begging to have his stomach rubbed which leaves both men blushing as they knead softly on Ethan's soft, plump paunch.
. Ethan starts to become more confident and less shy about his looks when his acne starts to vanish.
. Blue boi finally noticing his weight when he looks in the mirror and sees his round chubby cheeks and his tubby double chin or when he embarrassingly gets stuck in the shower because of his huge, protruding beerbelly.
. Ethan takes time to reflect his weight but soon smiles and shrugs it off not really caring.
. Ethan becoming more open about his body literally wears some tight ass shorts and walks around shirtless.
. One time Ethan purposely belly knocks Mark on the ground and quickly runs away.
. Mark and Tyler being proud of their not so little blueboi and seeing him growing up with confidence.

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