HC: Google's Revenge

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. In the Iplier Manor everyone's too busy to do any chores around which left Google to tidy up, cook food, do laundry, basically anything house related.
. The android doesn't care that he's stuck with the insignificant boring chores. It gives him chance to think about upgrading his software, giving Bing the most painful wedgie for being annoying and his second objective.
. Google absolutely hates being ordered around like a mindless zombie.
. The android ego knows he's not suppose to feel emotions but everytime Dark belittles him, comments that he's nothing more than scrap metal and worst of orders him around... Google's fans work harder and his eyes turned red in anger.
. Not a good idea to get an intelligent, murderous android angry...
. Google doesn't want to kill Dark... No that would he too easy, the android wants Dark to be humiliated, to be embarrassed and knock that arrogant demon down a few pegs.
. In his little lab that's located in the garage, Google would work on days on end after long days of doing chores and ignoring Dark's taunting words as he works on a special surprise.
. Google loves doing experiments and inventing the most random and yet devious inventions he could think off.
. After a week Google finally invented a powder substance that in small doses in drinks or food would make the person gain small amounts of weight spread all over the day but in high dose it could make someone swell incredibly quickly in minutes.
. That night Google shut down for once feeling incredibly excited and happy to initiate Project 241 Humiliate Dark.
. Next day arrives Google acts normal, he does his morning jobs and sneakily puts a small amount of powder into Dark's coffee before giving it to the smug demon who was yet again taunting him.
. "Finally! Scrap metal here is so slow that Bing can do it much faster"
. Google doesn't pay any attention to the comments as he felt rather happy knowing Dark's gonna learn a valuable lesson.
. Throughout the first day Google managed to successfully spiked Dark's coffee, doughnuts and even his dinner leaving the demonic ego 10 pounds heavier.
. Dark had no clue at all as Google was clever enough to have his powder taste like nothing so the man couldn't pick up anything strange.
. 4 days this went on and some of the egos picking up the fact their leader was putting on some weight as Dark's cheeks slightly pudged out giving him a noticeable hint of a double chin, his jacket tightly fitted on around his basketball rotund, tubby belly clearly outlining it and even his butt filled out his slacks that occasionally groaned when the demon walked.
. Yet Dark was plainly and blissfully unaware of his weight gain and no one wanted to point this out so they all silently watched.
. It was on the fifth day that Google wanted to embarrass the now chubby demon in front of everyone and knowing it was on a meeting day as well which fell perfect for his endgame plan.
. Before the long two hour meeting Google went to the kitchen making Dark his usual coffee but this time putting all of the powder into the drink as he handed it over to Dark.
. "Here you go sir! Enjoy your coffee!!" Google said very nicely giving a very wide... Creepy smile that resembled the jokers smile.
. Dark simply ignored the look as he always grumpy in the morning and within several minutes letting the coffee cool down the ego chugged the whole thing down before walking to the meeting room.
. The meeting started and everyone sitting down with Wilford standing in front of a whiteboard with ideas written down on the whiteboard.
. Google kept on taking short glances at Dark who was on the opposite end knowing the effects will hit hard and fast.
. 5 minutes went by and Dark felt his stomach churned semi-loudly but ignored it thinking it was digesting.
. His stomach started to expand like dough in oven very quickly as it swelled outwards pushing his jacket tighter over his growing plump, chubby belly.
. Two extremely loud popping sounds filled the air causing the room fall into silent as everyone turned their heads towards Dark their eyes widening seeing the demon's jacket open revealing an ill-fitting button up shirt with gaps in between the buttons showing his pale skin.
. Dark was very embarrassed and stood up immediately in a panic which only have everyone a perfect view as the rest of his body played catch up and fattened up.
. No one dared to help their boss or say anything but a few laughed as the back of Dark's slacks seams split open in between his butt cheeks.
. Dark growled with red cheeks trying to push in his expanding stomach which was a wasted effort and simultaneously all of his dress shirt buttons pinged off showing his large doughy gut that started to sag and made his pants button pop off and his moobs sat perfectly on top.
. Google sat their smirking and recording the whole thing so he could send this to everyone... Including to the Septic egos.
. Dark had to keep on widening his stance as his thick meaty thighs rubbed constantly and his pants ripped in multiple parts before joining together and fell to the floor in pieces leaving him in Wilford's brand of underwear covered in pinks mustaches.
. The rapid weight gain stopped once Dark's massive, blubbering beerbelly covered his crotch and his cheeks round, squishy with a permanent double chin.
. Dark quickly fled the meeting room.. Or slowly waddled like a penguin out of the room his body wobbling quite a bit with Wilford chasing after him wanting Dark to appear on his show for a interview about his weight.
. Dark never knew why this happened or how but everyone had a good laugh, teased the demon and even Wilford views on his show rapidly increased when he interviewed and questioned the larger fatter demon.
. Google feeling satisfied with his plan and started to think and plan out to fatten the other egos... Just for fun.

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