Jasha-- A Personal Oneshot

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A/n: Another old personal oneshot for my amazing friend Septic_boi17

The early orange glow of the sun fills the sky over Brighton, birds chirping happily basketing in the warmth of the light and the calm splashing sound of the sea gently colliding onto the sand. A streak of light went through a bedroom window landing directly onto Sean's face who moaned out loud his voice coming out gravelly as he slowly opened his eyes blinking multiple times to blink away the blurriness seeing the familiar creamy white ceiling of his shared bedroom, turning his head to the left Sean lazily smiled seeing his boyfriend curled into a ball where the Irishman's thick flabby left arm wrapped around the smaller male pulling him into the youtuber plush side. Taking a few seconds to gaze at his boyfriend lovingly with heart filled eyes Sean carefully reached out his pudgy thump lightly stroking Sasha's cheek adoring the soft features but unfortunately the action made Sasha awake.

"Hmm Good morning clover" Sasha yawned his blueish grey eyes staring directly into Sean's bright blue ocean ones with sleep and love. Somehow moving impossibly closer to his squishy warm boyfriend Sasha wrapped one of his arms around Sean's massive rotund beerbelly that was underneath the light green duvet creating a huge bump as it rises and falls with each deep breath the Irishman took and slowly rubbed soothing circles on the soft smooth skin.

"Top of the mornin to ya my gorgeous prince" Sean hummed in appreciation feeling his boyfriend rubbing his stomach. For a few minutes both men simply laid in bed enjoying the peacefulness of the early morning and cuddling into each other but all good things have to come to an end.

"I should really head off grab my cup of coffee then record some videos for a day" Sean spoke up breaking the tranquillity of the atmosphere. Sasha whined softly not wanting his boyfriend to go yet as he enjoyed snuggling into Sean, tossing the duvet off of him Sean sat forward his blubbering paunch sat on his lap.

"Do you have to go yet? I want more cuddles from my chubby bear" Sasha said watching intently as his boyfriend stood up from the bed in nothing more than a pair of skin-tight black underwear that barely wrapped itself around the Irishman's two large tubby ass cheeks. Sasha's pale cheeks darkened in a red hue as he watched Sean walk towards a brown closet where the youtuber kept majority of his clothes.

"I know Sasha I wish I could cuddle you for hours but I can't" Sean tossed on a light blue shirt that barely covered his large chunky basketball gut and when the youtuber turned to face his boyfriend around it gave Sasha a perfect view of how the shirt stretched across the wide, thick stomach clearly outlining his deep belly button through it.

"I'm sorry I understand Sean it gets a bit lonely without you but anyway what you recording today?" Sasha watched as his boyfriend struggled into a pair of jeans that refused to fit over his round bubble butt. Hopping side to side to maintain his balance Sasha watched with amused look with a smile on his face seeing Sean's plump spare-tire wobble and jiggle with each movement, finally the Irishman manage to pull the jeans over his butt and with all of his effort pulled the flaps together until the button went through the hole.

"Just some VR games, you could always come in and watch me record?" Sean smiled walking over to his boyfriend who just sat up in time for the youtuber to softly kiss him.

"I don't want to distract or cause any problems Clover, go and have fun" Sasha lightly kissed his boyfriend's chubby cheek watching as he left the room to get some of his coffee. Not even 5 seconds went by until Sasha bolted out of bed quickly putting on one of Sean's shirts that acted like a dress on the male as it stopped just past his knees as he tiptoed out of the bedroom towards the kitchen having a plan to have more cuddle time with his cuddle bear.

Peeking around the corner into the kitchen Sasha saw the back of his boyfriend and grinned mischievously, quietly stepping inside the kitchen the curly brown hair male opened one of the cupboards pulling out a plastic clear blue box filled with chocolate chip cookies. Opening the top with a soft 'click' the male tensed his shoulders thinking that Sean heard it but glancing over his shoulder he saw the man still fully focused on his drink. Sneaking up behind his lover Sasha placed the box on the counter next to him grabbing a cookie he'd decided it's time to pounce and act out his little plan.

"Hug attack" Sasha shouted wrapping his free arm around Sean's bountiful waist his pale hand resting on the roundest part of his boyfriend's bulging stomach while his smaller chubby stomach pushed into the back of the Irishman.

"AHHH Sasha don't scare me like that" Sean breathed out placing a hand over his chest.

"I got a surprise for you my big, sexy leprechaun" Sasha whispered into his lover's ear as he showed the cookie waving it in Sean's face who eyed the cookie with hunger shining in his eyes.

"Open wide" Sasha demanded softly which his boyfriend followed as the curly brown hair male shoved the cookie into the youtuber's mouth. Moaning as the sweet chocolate taste filled his mouth Sean chewed quickly and swallowed it.

"Sasha I-" Sean got cut off by his boyfriend shoving two cookies into his mouth.

"Shhh relax clover and let me take care of you" Sasha soothingly patted the Irishman blubbering paunch. Chewing the cookies Sean thought decided he let what his boyfriend wanted to do and that he was feeling kinda hungry plus wasn't going to turn down cookies, swallowing Sean opened his mouth letting his loving boyfriend feed him some sugary cookies. Feeding at a moderate pace cookie after cookie disappeared from the box into the youtuber's stomach that slowly expanded from all the food the shirt slowly raises up revealing a patch of pale flabby underbelly, the button on the jeans creaked loudly as a warning that it couldn't hold on for much longer.

"Last one Clover" Sasha pushed it past his boyfriend's plump lips and the man chewed before swallowing. Burping Sean gave a satisfying breath of relief that the cookies filled his abdomen which caused the button pop right off hitting the counter and falling to the floor.

" urppp Sasha I can't record like this I'm a gassy, burping mess and my shirt don't budge down now" Sean exclaimed turning around to face his boyfriend who smiled sheepishly and lightly chuckled seeing cookie crumbs littered in his boyfriend beard.

"Well, I guess now you can put off recording and cuddle me again" Sean eyes widened realising that his boyfriend just wanted him to cuddle more and decided to feed him. Giving Sasha a look that says 'i know what you did' Sean grinned softly at his boyfriend.

"If you really wanted cuddles you just have to ask love and I would've dropped everything for you" Sean placed feather like kisses all over Sasha's slightly acne face. Rest of the day Sasha got what he wanted and cuddled with his chubby marshmallow.

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