Chubby Anti x Jackieboy (Part 4) Family acceptance

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"I'm not going Jackie, you can't me go" Anti said stubbornly from his position on the bed as he crossed his thick, meaty arms over his tubby chest and on top of his rotund, chubby gut that rested on his lap. The demon pouted slightly his eyes staring daggers at his superhero boyfriend who zipped up his brightly red costume in the mirror with his blue mask covering around his crystal blue eyes, Jackie smiled in the reflection showing his perfectly white teeth and fixed his brown tuff of hair on his head before turning around and placing his hands on his hips.

"Come on...Please my chubby turtle, I'll promise you that they will definitely tease you but they accept you no matter what" Jackie replied smoothly taking a couple of steps towards his demonic boyfriend and kneeling down in front of him putting his gloved hand on Anti's knee. All week Jackie has been trying to get his boyfriend to go meet up with the other Septic's for a family meal and every time Anti constantly pouted like a child and replied with a quick no before glitching away.

"There will be tons of food their and... If you be on your best behavior, I'll buy you tons of your favorite brand of cookies" Jackie bribed his boyfriend knowing the temptation of food at the septic house and getting his favorite cookies would change his mind. Anti bit his lip softly weighing the pro's and con's in his head, it's been roughly a whole year since he last seen any other ego's and he certainly knows he'd turned into a larger, chubbier version of himself but he couldn't help himself from the way his heroic boyfriend looks at him like he's the sexiest supernatural being on this planet plus he enjoys the extra affectionate gestures Jackie pays his tubby belly from placing gentle kisses on it to gently rubbing soothing circles on it when Anti overeats and his black t-shirts rides up to reveal his slightly hairy bloated paunch.

"Fine, I'm coming" Anti conceded just as his stomach let out a deep guttural growl making the superhero ego chuckle joyfully and stood up with his hands linking with Anti's pudgy ones and pulling him up onto his feet. Anti smiled genuinely which was only reserved for his closet friends Robbie and JJ and his boyfriend his large spare-tire protrude outwards pushing against Jackie's muscular six pack as the superhero leaned forward and softly kissed Anti on the lips his strong beefy arms wrapping around the demon's plush chubby body.

"Thank you Anti...And now I'm gonna fly us there" Jackie said with a grin on his face which immediately made the demon pale as he feared heights. The superhero picked up Anti bridal style causing said demon to let out a very manly squeal and tightly wrapped his arms around Jackie's neck and closed his eyes.

"I'd swear if you drop me Jackiepie I'm going to chop off Jackie junior" Anti threatened but mostly came out as a whimper causing Jackie to rub his boyfriend's back reassuringly as he slid the window open and a cool gust of air blew throughout the bedroom.

"Don't worry my chubby bunny, I would never drop you" With that Jackie flew out of the window with his boyfriend in his arms refusing to open his eyes hiding his face in Jackie's chest as both men flew in the dark night so no one could see them.

(Time Skip)

A short five-minute flight later across the brightly quiet streets of Brighton and both men arrived at their destination, Jackie's feet lightly touched the cemented floor directly in front of the door and immediately Anti jumped out of his boyfriend's arms and gave out a loud sigh of relief as he enjoyed having his feet firmly planted on the ground.

"Not again...fuck that I rather be stuck in an elevator with that stuck up arrogant licorice demon" Anti said stretching his arms in the air causing his black shirt to ride up his massive, rotund belly and sitting comfortably above his deep belly button. Anti's chubby cheeks redden in the dark as he pulled down his tight shirt down again which didn't hide the fact that the demon packed on quite a bit of weight, Jackie chuckled planting two soft kisses on his boyfriend's round cheeks before knocking loudly on the light blue door three times, two times then 4 times causing a loud crashing noise to come from the opposite side before fast footsteps came towards the door and opened it making light shine outside in the darkness and there stood Chase red face with a grin on his face.

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