Chubby Jacksepticeye x Tyler Scheid (Part 2)

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(70 Minutes later)

A cool gentle gust of wind flow through the air in the streets of LA no single clouds covering the bright blue sky, loud blaring honks of cars zooming past filling the streets with constant noise alongside with swarms of people marching and talking obnoxiously loudly. Fishing out a pair of black sunglasses Jack placed them over his baby blue eyes shielding them from the harsh beaming light from the sun, briefly glancing around the streets the Irishman saw that he and Tyler were on the famous downtown food street where there are tons of restaurants and bakeries where you can eat your heart out. Turning his head towards his burly beefy boyfriend Jack saw a neutral blank look on Tyler's face but he knew from those deep expressive eyes that the American was happy, intertwining his pudgy fingers with his boyfriend's Jack squeezed softly, smiling widely when Tyler glanced at him giving the youtuber a small genuine smile in return. Using his other hand Jack went to pull down his multicolor hoodie that rode up a few inches showing his tight black shirt the purple patch of color on the front of the hoodie amplified the roundness of the Irishman's massive, wide rotund gut that wobbled with every step Jack took, the action caused Tyler's gaze shifted towards his boyfriend round, plush spare tire licking his lips hungrily as he grinned with a somewhat mischievous plus a nervous look looming his face for a second before setting back to normal.

"Let's stop here my sweet, plump marshmallow. I'm starving" Tyler said as both men stopped in front of a small bakery. Looking up at the bright pink neon sign that read 'Sugar bake' Jack looked from the building to his boyfriend with his eyebrows risen not believing a single word coming out of the giant's mouth.

"We better go in then so you won't starve to death Mr. Hercules" Jack replied giving the American the I don't believe you look before Tyler pulled him along inside the bakery. The bell on top of the door rang throughout the small bakery as both men entered the building, immediately the scent of freshly baked pastries, bread and on display on the counter was tons of pastries the owner sold caused the Irishman's empty beerbelly to growl out in hunger making Jack's round chubby cheeks to turn red.

"It's a good thing we stopped in here my chubby leprechaun cause it looks like you're hungry as well" Tyler smirked standing in front of the shorter male his big hands straight away landed on Jack's squishy bountiful love handles lightly shaking it causing his boyfriend's protruding blubbering belly to jiggle underneath the skintight hoodie. Jack's blush deepened as it spread to the tips of his ears as Tyler never gotten this handsy in public before and the youtuber gasped softly feeling Tyler's hands sneaking under his hoodie and shirt, fingers delicately roaming the large soft dome lightly drumming his fingers against the flabby abdomen.

"Take a seat in one of the booths while I order, then the real fun can begin" Tyler whispered right next to Jack's ear making him shiver before walking away heading towards the counter. Straightening his hoodie so it was covering his large beach ball paunch again the Irishman quickly walked towards the far corner booth where there was no windows, sliding in so that his back was facing the entrance Jack was shocked and surprise seeing that he barely fitted in the gap between the seat and the table that was screwed to the floor an inch separated from his pudgy plump paunch that rested on his thick thighs to the table plus if Jack took a deep breath he could feel his stomach brush up against the cold, hard table. Several minutes went by slowly as Jack fully leaned back into his seat the combination of the warm temperature of the room and the sweet aroma made Jack's eyelids felt heavy with sleep as he tiredly closed his eyes thinking nothing of it until a weight was added right next to him awoke him, blinking his eyes open he saw Tyler smiling softly at him with a tray filled with multiple pastries from Brownies, chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes and donuts.

"Morning sleepyhead, sorry I been a while but hopefully this will give you the energy to make you feel more awake" Tyler spoke his own cheeks reddening slightly seeing the adoration, love and care shining in those blue eyes he very much loves. Picking up a brownie the American tapped it against Jack's lips to signal him to open which he did with no objection and pushed the sweet treat into his boyfriend's mouth, slowly chewing it Jack moaned lightly enjoying the rich taste of chocolate filling his mouth. Tyler set a slow pace as he fed piece by piece of pastry for his boyfriend who munched and chewed, the plates of brownies disappeared quickly making Tyler start shoving pink frosted cupcakes into Jack's mouth next smearing some frosting around the Irishman's plump lips the sight before him made Tyler lick his dry lips and shift uncomfortably in his seat feeling his jeans tighten around his little problem.

"Sean I-" Tyler paused pushing the last cupcake into the Irishman's mouth who chewed quickly and swallowed looking at Tyler with concern in those blue eyes.

"URPP- Ty what's wrong?" Sean said trying to turn round in his seat but found that his larger, bloated beerbelly pushed up against the table effectively trapping the youtuber in his seat. Shaking his head Tyler pushed his hand through his curly brown hair a sign that clearly reads that the buff giant was nervous which Jack knew and was about to say something but Tyler stood up from his seat and turned around to face Jack with tears springing in his eyes ready to spill at any moment.

"Sean..We been together for 3 years on the dot and in that time you made me the happiest man on this planet. Waking up with you in his arms seeing your relax expression to hearing your soft snores is always a treat to me. Hearing you sing beautifully in the shower or when you cook or when we dance in the kitchen...this feels like a dream that I never want to wake up from, I-I can't imagine my w-world without you in it so-" Tyler took a deep breath tears rolling down his cheeks as his bottom lip wobbled. Meanwhile the same thing was happening to Jack who had his own waterworks happening just seeing his lover cry always made Jack cry and all he wanted was to reach out to comfort him but the table was preventing him from doing that.

"Sean William McLoughlin will you make me happier and- and will you marry me?" Tyler pulled out a green velvet small box and lifted the top to reveal a gorgeous golden ring sitting there. A loud gasp escaped the Irishman but he quickly nodded his head to agree.

"Yes Ty-Ty I will marry you" Sean said happily bursting out into fresh tears as Tyler climbed back into the booth softly placing the ring on Jack's finger before leaning down capturing Jack's lips in a fierce snog. While these two were snogging the owner of the bakery who was behind the till clapped excitedly for the lovebirds shouting from the top of their lungs that love never dies before squealing like a fan meeting a celebrity.

"Finally you two, the ship has sailed across the ocean but hopefully it doesn't sink like the titanic did"

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