Chubby Jacksepticeye x Reader: Drunk and Punishment

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A/n: I do apologise in advance if I upload two of the same kind! It's hard to keep track XD I written a lot

It was October 31st the day of children and teenagers dress up as random characters going round door to door saying the phrase "Trick or treat" and getting handfuls of bite-size chocolate bars while the adults either stay at home giving out candy or possibly dressing up as well and going clubbing. You were one of the adults that decided to stay at home relax and watch some crappy horror movies and possibly hand out candy if anyone came however your boyfriend was going out with two other friends Felix and Robin for a couple of drinks, just as you placed your popcorn next to the huge bowl of candy you heard your boyfriend walking down the hallway turning around you saw Jack wearing a spider-man spandex costume hugging his wide stout body showing off every curve from his round plumpish belly that look like Jack was hiding a beach ball underneath his costume you could see it jiggle with every step he took the sleeves of his arms clung tightly to his beefy arms and his flabby thighs rubbed against one another and even with the mask on you could clearly see 2 chubby cheeks.

"How do I look love?" your boyfriend asked turning around giving you the perfect view of his chunky ass. Oh how you wanted to tear off the costume suck hickies everywhere on Jack's pale doughy big frame, worship him treat him like a king stuff him large amounts of food until he can't move.

"Sexiest Spider-man I ever seen" you growled out swaying your hips as you slowly walked towards him. Jack could sense that the atmosphere changed in the apartment his breathing got a little heavier as he took deeper breaths his large stomach rising and falling, stopping in front of your boyfriend you trailed your hands delicately down the sides of his body and squeezing handfuls of his love handles smirking when you heard a hitch in Jack's breath you could tell he was getting hot and bothered underneath the costume.

"Let's hope that costume doesn't show your problem downstairs" you whispered into Jack's ear as you felt him shiver. Sliding both hands on the front of his squishy belly you shook it a few times before letting go getting mesmerised as it wobbled for a good 5 seconds then settling down again, Jack moaned feeling your hands slide around his plush body your touches were delicate and yet every single touch set his skin alive as you turned him on more and more.

"You may want to calm down before you leave my sweet chubby leprechaun" teasingly you lowered your hand as it moved from the front of his stomach to the overhang where it sagged and kept on going until your hand was above his very obvious bulge but you stopped letting go you back away.

"Have fun with your friends Jack" you said innocently walking back to the sofa hearing your boyfriend groan.

"Why cupcakes come back here and fi-"Jack was interrupted by a knock at the door. Switching the TV on you quickly turn your head to face him.

"Have fun my handsome Irishman" you blow a kiss at him as he blow a kiss in return.

"Yah, you too my love I'll be back by 11pm" Jack shouted heading towards the door, opening it revealed Felix who was dressed as a dog.

"Hey Ja-HOLY SHIT BALLS when did spider-man put on weight" Felix exclaimed observing the way Jack's skin-tight costume showed off his chubby body.

"Since when dogs can talk, let's go" Jack replied shutting the door. Chuckling at their interaction you focused back on the film in front of you seeing a bat-man like creature killing people. As the night progressed you were amazed that no trick or treaters came to the door half way through the third film you noticed that the time was 12:30 and that Jack should've been back an hour and a half ago of course you knew Jack is an adult and can stay out as long as he wants but that didn't stop you from worrying, you tried calling him but to no avail since you heard the quiet buzzing of his phone coming from the kitchen groaning you decided to sit back down and wait and if he didn't come back at 1am then you would go out and find him. 20 minutes later your boyfriend stumbles in through the door tipsy on his feet he loudly closed the door, straight away you marched right over to him grabbing his arm you pulled Jack along who nearly tripped over his feet multiple times before reaching the sofa he heavily fell on the couch on his ass with an oomph while you stared worryingly and a bit angry at him.

"Where the hell you been?" you shouted your mind running as fast as the flash imagining different scenarios. Sitting on his lap you undone the Velcro behind his mask the scent of alcohol reeked Jack's breath and you saw his round cheeks red and his bright blues eyes unfocused.

"Out wittth friends" Jack gave you a toothy smile giggling like a 5 year old.

"I know Jack but didn't you think you could've let your friends phone me letting me know your fine. I thought you were hurt or worse..dead." your vision became blurry with tears readying to spill at any moment your lip trembled, the scene in front of Jack seemed to sober him up as he wrapped his beefy arms around you.

"I'm sorry sweetheart I didn't want to worry you" Jack apologised hearing you cry into his chest the sound utterly shattered his heart into a million pieces. You knew you shouldn't be crying over nothing but the thought of Jack leaving you either alive or dead you couldn't handle it.

'I don't wanna lose him'

'I don't wanna lose him'

'I don't wanna lose him'

"I won't lose him" you said determinedly out of the blue spooking your boyfriend who let go. Swiftly you grabbed the big bowl of candy from the table unwrapping about 6 mini milky bars and showing it into his mouth; instinctively Jack chewed them the rich taste chocolate making his taste buds come alive and swallowed it. Licking his lips Jack opened his mouth to say something but was silenced by another handful of chocolates groaning in delight the Irishman thought he would wait till the end until you finished feeding him and secretly he didn't want to interrupt this.

"I. WON'T. LOSE. YOU" with each word said you pushed in a lot of sugary candy into your boyfriend's gob making his cheeks bulge. As the feeding session carried on Jack's semi-large pudgy belly bloated outwards inch by inch slowly as it was filled with junk food his abdomen pushing up against your stomach but you carried on until your hand scrapped the bottom of the bowl which brought you out of your feeding frenzy. Looking at your boyfriend you could tell he was semi-full with all the food inside of him as he placed one hand on top of his inflated gut rubbing soothing circles on it while the other one simply placed on the side of his belly just staying still and chocolate smeared all over his mouth.

"I'm sorry I love you Jack, don't leave me please" you said hiding your face in your boyfriend's podgy chest as he grunted from the added pressure being on his bloated tummy.

"I promise you love with all my time I have lefton this planet I will spend it with you and only you" Jack tiredly said closinghis eyes. From there you both slept you huddled on top of your boyfriend whoprotectively wrapped his arms around you and in the morning you and Jack talkedthings out and spend the day out with friends where he very surprisingly wenton one knee and proposed to you which excitedly you said yes about 15 times andsnogged Jack.

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