HC: Anti's Blueberry Experience

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A/n: This is a bit different! It's... Weird but also funny to imagine this happening to Anti... Enjoy :)

. It was like a war zone in the Septic House. No room, no person was left untouched by Anti's crazy unpredictable pranks.
. Except for Robbie! Anti wouldn't dare to prank the adorable Zombie that he sees like a little brother but instead trying to teach Robbie some simple pranks.
. Chase's eyebrows and hair were gone leaving him clean shaven and looking more like a bowling ball, smooth and shiny.
. Jackie's precious superhero costume mysteriously turned pink leaving the owner distraut and holding his costume close to his body.
. Every inch of Henrik's office covered in glitter and everyone could hear the German doctor swear and shout loudly "Anti!!!"
. JJ got his voice back but instead of being a man's voice JJ could only let out cat meows which obviously made the mute ego blush in embarrassment and Robbie started calling JJ "Kitten"
. Everyone was getting quite annoyed with the glitch bitch but none daring to do anything about except for Marvin.
. Marvin wanted to teach Anti a lesson about pranking and an idea struck him when one day he watched Willy wonka and the chocolate factory seeing the blueberry scene and smirked knowing what to do.
. It took the magical ego some time to put the words together but feeling super pumped about this Marvin began to chant the spell focusing on Anti.
. The demon was still laughing and mocking poor Chase seeing his bold head unaware that a deep dark blue colour appeared on his nose.
. Some egos mostly Chase and JJ tried to warn Anti about the odd colour but Anti was being too distracted in laughing and saying "I'm the ultimate prankster! No one can prank me" Anti gloated which made most of the egos roll their eyes and deciding to watch.
. The spell was working rather quickly as the sapphire blue hue spread across his body rapidly changing his beard, hair and iris's to blue.
. "Dude! Anti looks like a smurf!" Chase whispered to Jackie making him laugh.
. "Can't wait to see his reaction" Jackie replied back just as a loud gurgling sound filled the air causing everyone to stop and look around.
. "Feel funny... Oh well" Anti muttered as he paced around the living room feeling queasy as his usually flat stomach started to inflate making it bulge against his black shirt tightly and slowly pulling the material up.
. JJ immediately took notice and got everyone's attention and pointed at Anti's swelling stomach that started to poke out as a flesh of blue skin showed to them.
"Anti? Are you okay? You look a little blue!" Henrik teased making them all laugh which made Anti pause and look at them confused.
. "What are you idiots talki-" Anti growled before feeling an odd sensation feeling his jeans tighten around his waist as the juice flowed into his thighs and butt expanding them.
. Anti let out the most girly scream seeing his now blue body and inflating belly this made everyone but Robbie laugh, the zombie staring on in fascination as he walked over and patted Anti's stomach causing some loud sloshing sounds come from inside Anti.
. "Anti?... New toy... For me?" Robbie asked with a wide smile taking a few steps back and watched happily.
. The spell kicked in even faster now as Anti's chest, back and arms joined in giving the demon's body a more spherical look as his clothes started to tear here and there struggling to hold the blueberry ego in.
. "Help me you fuckers..." Anti growled out seeing all of them watching with wide grins as even Marvin came downstairs and joined in.
. Anti wobbled around slowly causing the juices splash inside as eveyone could hear it and couldn't resist poking and teasing the ego.
. Waving his useless fattened arms Anti felt truly embarrassed as his round body started to absorb his limbs and soon found himself rocking back and forth on his crotch.
. "Help me pleas-Hmphh" Anti said before juices flowed into his mouth causing his cheeks to bulge and his lips plumped up preventing him to talk.
. Just as quickly the spell started it stopped leaving one helpless blueberry demon hugely inflated in the living room as Anti's blue hair brushed the ceiling.
. "I hope you learn your lesson Anti! Don't prank anymore... And I reverse this in... Two days, now everyone have fun with Anti" Marvin said walked over to Anti and rolled him forward and stared into the demon's blue wide eyes.
. Everyone had a blast rolling Anti around like a ball, teasing him so much and even had a group photo surrounding Anti and sending it to Angus.
. Robbie was. Extremely happy thinking Anti did this on purpose to make him happy and the zombie refused to leave Anti's side as he cuddled into the demon's taut round body to talking about random things.
. The two days went incredibly slow for Anti as at least one ego would tease him and then start to roll him around like a ball making him moan and groan being powerless to do anything.
. But eventually Marvin reversed the spell like he'd promised.
. But since his body digested large amount of juice he wasn't returned to his normal lean body but much softer, fatter version with permanent blue hair as his stomach covered his lap entirely and stuck on the floor.
. Anti learned his lesson but was pretty much salty and angry about being turned into a massive blueberry and now stuck being chubby with a over-affectionate Zombie who nuzzled his face in his gut and slept on him like a bed.
. Robbie loves his big brother now... And being the mischievous little zombie he his, he plans on doing the same thing that happened to Anti to everyone else as he steals Marvin's spellbook.
. The egos are in for a long few weeks of them.

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