HC: Chubby Soft! Anti Being A Big Brother To The Septic Egos Include

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A/n This is part 1 out of 2

. Very shy demon boi
. Doesn't like any shouting/fighting involved in the house and would politely ask people to stop.
. Anti doesn't believe that he deserves any love and would hide anything from his brothers that could make them worry.
. Anti doesn't have any confidence whatsoever.
. Anti knows he's different and knows he's a monster but that doesn't give him the right to act like one.
. He's full of sunshine and rainbows 🌈
. Marvin practicing his magic and getting something right? Anti immediately running up and giving Marvin the biggest softest hug in the world which makes the magician smile into Anti's soft, squishy chest.
. Sitting down with JJ and carving pumpkins plus learning sign language for the man.
. Anti and JJ forming a secret club where they only talk using sign language, drink tea and knit multiple fluffy blankets for everyone.
. Robbie struggling with his hand co-ordination and Anti sitting down and taking hours out of his day to teach Robbie to write.
. Also Anti sitting on the floor drawing pictures with Robbie and complimenting the zombie on his drawing skills which makes Robbie gurgle happily with a blush and hides his face in Anti's large, protruding rotund belly.
. Anti constantly carrying a sleeping Henrik away from the desk to the doctors bedroom.
. In the Morning Anti always leaves a small motivation poem with a cup of coffee on Henrik's bedside table, this never fails to make Henrik feel full of confidence and face the world.
. Chase relapsing into his alcoholism crying hysterically about missing his kids and Anti whispers sweet comforting words as he holds his broken younger brother until he falls asleep.
. The next day Chase would wake up to an amazing sight of seeing his two lovely kids who run to him and hug him, all thanks to Anti who quickly sneaks off before Chase can say thanks.
. Jackie always using his chubby big brother as some kind of weights and lifting the demon up and down which makes Anti blush in embarrassment.
. Anti is like the glue that keeps the family together that makes everyone smile.
. Everyday Anti never fails to makes breakfast for his brothers before focusing on making his own breakfast.
. Everything seemed to be fine and dandy as every single ego seemed to be happy, laughing and enjoying laugh.
. But eveyone missing the pain shining behind Anti's eyes as he silently walked off without saying anything one night.
. Next Morning Anti never made breakfast or showed up downstairs.
. It was Jackie that went to Anti's room knocking loudly and quickly asking the demon if he was okay.
. Without getting a response Jackie slammed the door open and straight away the superhero let out a loud piercing scream full of fear and pain causing every single ego to rush into Anti's room.
. Everyone freezing in their spots seeing their big brother pale, blood all over the floor and hardly breathing.
. Henrik immediately rushing forward to go save his brother but he's not sure if he can do it.
. Everyone realising that they took Anti for granted and hoped that Anti would survive so they can show their love and gratitude towards the demon.
. Henrik comes out of the room covered in blood but a small smile as he tells them that Anti shall survive and is resting at the moment.
. This was the moment that everyone sworn in silence that they will be there for Anti like he was there for them.

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