The Villain's Punishment

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A/n: Get those tissues ready cause this has little amounts of feels in it

Jackie grunted loudly as he accidentally took a deep breath making pain spike where he'd most likely got a broken rib from fighting his long-term enemy Anti who currently unconscious on the floor by the superhero's feet in a middle of an empty abandoned warehouse. Jackie's whole body was sore, aching and covered in cuts the hero used his red gloved hand to wipe away a bit of blood trailing down his nose before picking up a very lightweight villain and tossing the demon over his shoulder, the superhero ignored how his body screamed in pain to stop moving as Jackie tiredly walked over to a single chair in the middle of a dusty, trashed room filled with broken glass, cans and wood laying on the floor with a large clear container filled with a strange bright green liquid not too far away from the chair. Placing the unconscious Anti on the chair Jackie worked in silence letting out some heavy pain filled breaths as he grabbed some nearby ropes and tied his youngest brother's arms behind the chair and tied Anti' legs to the chair legs as well.

"What happened to you Anti? Where's the happy, smiling younger brother who would greet us with a hug and love spending time with us" Jackie said grabbing the unconscious Anti's shoulders and lightly digging his nails into the demon's black shirt. The superhero could feel his arms shaking his vision becoming blurry with unshed tears trying to spill as he blamed himself for his younger brother turned out like this, blinking back tears Jackie reluctantly let go of Anti's shoulders and quietly shuffled over to the mysterious container grabbing a tube that is connected to it and pulled it along as the hero walked back over to the demon and slid the see-through tube past Anti's pale lips into his mouth and down his throat.

"I'm sorry Anti....Antonio but this has to stop. Now" Jackie croaked out walking away from his brother over to the container and waited patiently for the demon to wake up.

'Fork my ass, my head hurts' Anti thought as he slowly started to wake up. The demon became more aware of his surroundings feeling something hard in his mouth plus having his arms and legs locked onto the wooden chair having zero room to move, blinking his eyes multiple times to clear away the bleariness Anti saw he was in a decrepit broken-down warehouse with the early morning glow of the sun starting to raise in the sky. The demonic ego eyes widened remembering the past events of Jackieboy getting the advantage over him and knocking him out cold, Anti started to struggle pulling with all of his might against the ropes doing nothing but causing the ropes to tighten around him and making him wince.

"It's about time you woke up Anti. I been waiting about 40 minutes for you so I can start your punishment and get to the bottom of this....issue" Jackie spoke up seeing his younger brother struggling on the chair. Anti narrowed his eyes looking over at the superhero who was leaning against the container with his arms crossed looking a little smugly which made the demon's blood boil and started to shout but with the tube in his mouth it came out muffled noises. It was this exact time the demon felt something hard placed in his mouth leading into his throat, looking down Anti saw a clear tube leading from his mouth all the way to the large container filled with green colour which was the same brightly colour as the demon's neon green hair.

"I will explain what is stuff does while you chug down this heavenly drink, bon appetit" Jackie spoke up seeing the other ego looking at the container with wide terrified eyes. Looking over at the hero Anti saw Jackie flipping a lever before a whirling sound filled the room as the fans came alive and the liquid quickly started to move down the tube heading straight towards the demon.

"Hmphh, Hmphh" Anti let out a few muffled moans as he watched the liquid enter his mouth and straight down his throat into his stomach. Anti shivered feeling the cool liquid settling in his stomach as he continued to drink it against his will but his attention got pulled away from the tube as the hero tapped on the container making the demon look over with a look between murderous and frightened.

"This liquid here is a potion made by Marvin that temporary disables your power to glitch away" Jackie started with a sweet innocent smile on his face as he watched the ego forced to drink the potion. Several minutes of silence and Jackie's unnerving stare without blinking the container was empty the hero flipped the machine off and gently pulled the tube out of Anti's mouth who immediately let out a massive belch that echoed across the empty warehouse.

"Once I'm free...I'm gonna kick your ass Jackie" Anti growled out menacingly taking a few deep breaths as he felt a weird warm sensation start to bubble in the pits of his stomach but Anti paid no attention to it. Meanwhile Jackie simply waved his index finger side to side smiling stretching into a grin seeing the black shirt that Anti normally wears that clings tightly to the demon's lean stomach start to slowly move upwards as Anti's flat stomach was replaced by a small pudgy potbelly and kept on swelling.

"Oh...second thing the potion will make you gain weight quite quickly and trapping you here for some time" Jackie simply stated pointing at his younger brother's stomach. Anti nervously gulped slowly looking down letting out a loud yelp seeing a round, plump belly that was the size of a basketball and kept on expanding as it picked up the pace a bit, the black shirt started to roll upwards being pushed up by the man's swelling gut as inch by inch the ego's chubby flabby skin got revealed more by the second.

"Grrr make it stop before I'll kill you" Anti threatened menacingly feeling the waistband of his jeans start to tighten as the demon's love handles started to spill over the sides and his stomach resting comfortingly on his lap putting serious strain on the button.

"I'll can't Antonio, anyway you deserve this for all the cruel things you done" Jackie commented biting his lip to stop himself from laughing. Anti quietly whined as he started to struggle once again thrashing in his chair trying to escape from the ropes around his legs and arms but couldn't his struggle only making his doughy, soft paunch wobble a bit. The warm feeling spread to the rest of Anti's body his once chiselled cheekbones replaced by two chubby cheeks with a noticeable second chin, his brawny arms coated in a layer of fat along with his hands plumping up causing the ropes to creak loudly, the demon's well build muscular thighs fattened up in the jeans causing the inner seams to pop and his normally small butt rounded out lifting Anti in the seat making the jeans ride down revealing his ass crack while all of this happening Anti's basketball size stomach expanded larger to the size of a beach ball and his shirt sitting on top of the demon's blubbering beerbelly.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry Jackie, I'm sorry for everything I did. Everyone started to push me a side making me feel unwanted, isolated and I didn't know what to do, I'm sorry" Anti said in a panic the chair creaking loudly as it couldn't hold Anti's weight much more as his huge ass started to hang off the chair. Jackie looked on with a frown on his face as he tried to recall all the times he'd was too busy to hang out with his younger brother and sometimes plainly ignored Anti.

"Oh gosh..." Jackie whispered feeling like a terrible big brother. The button on the demon's jeans popped off as his massive chunky belly covered more of his lap and pushed the zipper down then the ropes that was around the ego's plump chubby arms ripped to shreds at the same time as the chair failed and the legs cracked to pieces sending Anti onto the hard concrete floor with a loud thump sound making every inch of the man's tubby body jiggle violently. A few seconds later the growth stopped leaving the now very large, chubby demon stranded on the floor impossible to stand up and Anti had green tears rolling down his chubby cheeks and hysterically crying.

"Just kill me big bro, everyone already fucking hates me. No one wants me" Anti cried out hiding his face in his hands. Jackie let out a sharp exhale hearing those words leave his youngest brother's lips and instinctively his big brother instincts kicked in and rushed over to Anti and ignored the burst of pain and kneeled on the floor and cradled his brother's head on his lap.

"Don't say that Ant! No one can hate you, I can't hate you brother" Jackie replied feeling a couple of tears escaping his eyes. The superhero lightly hummed a tune using his gloved hand to lightly comb through Anti's green hair as his other hand wiped away a few tears from his brother's face, several minutes later the demon manage to calm down enough to look up at Jackie with wide sad eyes that broke Jackie's heart to pieces.

"I'm sorry Ant! For everyone making you feel unwanted and unloved that you had to do this" Jackie apologised giving his younger brother a wobbly smile.

"I'm sorry too Jackie for causing everyone misery and pain..." Anti replied softly raising his flabby arms in the air for a hug. Chuckling Jackie give his demonic brother a hug and whispered comforting words that everything will be okay.

The End

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